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A member registered Mar 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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El mejor juego de la jam? (El único que he probado de momento)

Me encanta, super original, divertido, bonito... todo genial.

Me parece una idea de juego muy buena y mi cerebrito hace un brbrbrbrbr agradable al fracasar al montando gatitos

Que diver! Me ha gustado la mecánica y me ha costado pasarmelo. Muy buena idea, enhorabuena!

Qué chulo! Me ha parecido muy entretenido el gameplay. Enhorabuena!

Que sencillo y chulo, muy bonito!
La primera vez lo he jugado sin leer nada y no he entendido que al bajar mucho el cielo pierdes y no le veía sentido. Después de eso lo he leído y me ha gustado mucho :D

Qué juegazo, me ha encantado! Enhorabuena

Ah y me encanta la música que se me olvidó al escribir el comentario :)

Qué juegazooooo! Super bonito, agradable, original, se siente bien todo... solo cosas buenas. Enhorabuena!

Gracias <3

153 very impressive

Thank you! <3

Wow! I'm so glad to hear someone enjoyed it. Thank you <3

Nice game, I enjoyed my time playing it. The concept is really cool and I was left wanting more. If the part about flying the rocket was more fun I'd absolutely love it and I would want to play a bigger version of the game for hours. Good job, thanks!

Wow! Well done, stunning visuals! It was a lot of fun to play too, thank you!

I enjoyed your game a lot! Thank you! Extremely well executed, the visuals and vibe were great.

Great and beautiful game! I found the controls and how to play hard to understand at first but it only took me a few minutes. My arm is aching from the constant clicking but I beat it hehee Great job!

Great and beautiful game! I found the controls and how to play hard to understand at first but it only took me a few minutes. My arm is aching from the constant clicking but I beat it hehee Great job!

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Nice game! Seriously fun! Well done :)

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Thank you!

Thank you very much, your comment made me happy :D Why is it so hard to make game instructions? Hehe I always struggle with the same thing, thanks for your feedback, its very useful. Oh I had trouble figuring out what you were saying about the cursor, it's a bug, it's actually captured at times, if you click in the game outside the paper sheets.

I enjoyed the little texts about the vehicles and the idea of lunar explorers being bored and racing hehe. I found the 1st vehicle the most enjoyable because it was easier to control and the effect of the floatiness of the moon was well executed on it, but it would have been more fun if it was faster. I wasn't able to control the 2nd or 3rd vehicles. I like the concept and I was left wishing a full multiplayer game with moon racing floaty mechanics. Good job!

Nice game, seems perfect for young kids! The art is so nice, I love it. I saw in some other comments suggestions about showing the timer and I have to agree with that, I find not knowing how much time is left more nerve-wrecking than the timer, but may be better with no timer for the younger audience, it's an interesting decision. Good job!

I love this game! Thank you Carlos and Inês <3 you rock! As a fellow puzzle game designer I'm so impressed by these puzzles, so enjoyable and challenging. I aspire to make games like this. The game is very good looking too. Thanks for being so inspiring.

Great game, well done! It's a lot of fun flying your rocket and feeling the change after every upgrade! At times I didn't understand how the rocket behaved, I guess it was the wind or turbulence, I'm not sure. I was puzzled by that but it wasn't annoying I just couldn't figure it out and completely understand how it work even though I completed the game.

It was so much fun I wanted to keep playing and have more upgrades, goals and maybe something else to interact with, something to dodge or find?

Thank you for the fun time!

Thank you very much!  Not very fun hehe.

Muchas gracias por responderme :)

Qué diver! Me gusta mucho el concepto simple y original que funciona muy bien. Siento que el click no funciona perfecto y fallar el click no se siente muy bien (aunque sea fallo del jugador). Tengo una pregunta de diseñador curioso, has valorado que no haga falta hacer click? Solo tocar los aviones? Qué ventajas y desventajas le has visto o le ves?

Buen trabajo!

Que bonitooo! La mecánica me parece muy original y la historia muy chula. Buen trabajo!!

Muchas gracias Alberto! Por jugarlo y por el feedback. Me alegra mucho que te haya gustado.

Estoy completamente de acuerdo con los puntos en los que flaquea el diseño :)

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Muchas gracias Marta! Me alegra mucho que os haya gustado <3 Tengo muchas ganas de probar el vuestro que tiene una pintaza. He visto los screenshots y con eso ya te puedo decir que me encanta el arte, me parece de lo más profesional que he visto en una jam, no parece un juego de jam y parece estar completo.

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Muchísimas gracias  <3 Me alegra un montón que te haya gustado. Me muero de ganas de probar el vuestro, que no he tenido tiempo todavía

Gracias! Muchas gracias por tu feedback, es muy útil.

El funcionamiento del deck no es muy intuitivo y no está explicado, esperaba que no se entendiera. Siempre agregas cartas al mazo, pero solo ves las tres primeras. Cuando agregas una carta, la carta activa pasa al descarte (se barajará luego de vuelta en el mazo) y la que has agregado se pone como carta activa. Cuando usas todo el mazo, se baraja y se vuelve a empezar.

Cierto, yo tampoco usaba el dash jejeje

Lo de las cantidad de cartas es un bug, pero te has pasado el juego completo, solo que la cuenta de cartas a veces se estropea y la obliteration solo debería salir cuando llegas a 99

Thank you!

Hi again! I have a question for you devs of this amazing game: ¿Are there any games that inspired this game? ¿What are the most similar games to this one you can think of? Any kind of similarity is useful: visuals, mechanics...

Great game, I really enjoyed it! Awesome visuals and sound, and fun levels!

Loved the art! So cute and relaxing

Great game, I love the game idea.
I couldn't enjoy the game fully and I had to stop playing because I got dizzy.

Whenever I had the head on my hands everything was shaking and I got very dizzy. This happened when I rotating the head on the ground too, but to a lesser extent.

It took me a while to understand how to rotate the head, the controls were a bit confusing. For a long time I thought I had to click and drag.

I think the game has a lot of potential, and the quality of the art, the levels and the music shows you know what you are doing. Keep it up, good work!

Great game! I enjoyed it so much! The controls feel great and that's the most important part for these kind of games in my opinion. Just a few things I could see improving:

-Sometimes I completely missed the spikes and just didn't see them and until I stepped on them (regular spikes, not the ones that come out when you touch them). It may be just me, since when I look at them they are pretty visible, they even hace that shining animation...

-I turned off the screenshake because I didn't enjoy it, it made it harder for me to see and play precisely. I'm not a big fan of screenshake and while I found this one particularly annoying, it may be just me hating on screenshake as usual.

-Rocks that allow you to shoot back bullets are a mechanic I don't like: the controls are a little awkward, it didn't feel very intuitive/didn't make a lot of sense thematically (¿after you hit explosive rocks you become glowy and now you can absorb a bullet and shoot it back to turn off laser beams?) and in this demo there's only one use for it (turning laser beams off) which isn't ideal, it's a lot better when you can use a mechanic in multiple distinct ways (I'm guessing this will be the case in the full game, but make sure it feels different).

-And the biggest thing: bigger picture level design was weird. I don't know if bigger picture is what I mean to say: most sections were fun and well designed, but the composition of sections that form a level felt pretty random. For example there were a couple easy sections that don't use the same mechanic (or a new one) after a harder section. Also at times you introduce a new mechanic but then don't use it immediately in the level coming after the introduction, that's unusual. Levels didn't feel like they had an overarching concept, idea or personality.

I'm focusing on the things I think could improve because that's what I find most useful, but I really enjoyed the game a lot and I'm looking forward to playing more of it. Good work, keep it up!

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Thank you! That means a lot to me!

Awesome game! Sound/Music 10 out of 5. Very nice puzzles from simple mechanics. The tutorials are a little challengin, but I guess that's alright since you are warning the game is hard and you probably won't enjoy it if you struggle with those tutorial . I don't have any suggestions because the game is so polished and expertly designed, great job!

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks! Do you mean in cold as in too many cold colors? Or maybe too static or lifeless?

There's a backstory, these images from the intro are the ones we made during the jam, we are planning on making more and bigger cutscenes, but with no text. Making it easy to understand will definitely be a challenge.