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I like the idea of kayaking in a game and the two button theme works perfect for this idea. It would be nice if the camera didn't swing back and forth as you turned since it was a little motion-sick inducing. I also think the speed of the kayak should've been a bit faster, or at least the map made a bit smaller. Add some goals / waypoints or maybe a timed race, and I think that would help round this out. Keep working hard!

Thanks! Hard work I will.

I think I just need to add different mods for rowing - like crouse-mode (for lakes), and sport-mode (for rapids). For the camera, I agree, but I will probably add it as a setting - the camera currently simulates GoPro, which people usually mount on a kayak stern. I actually like, how different people found different aspects interesting - I'll definitely make several play mods (like racing, realistic damage and peaceful adventure with some secrets on the map). So thanks for the valuable feedback!