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A member registered Jul 02, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks! It lacks polishing, indeed. Regarding turret building: if you don't match them, they will fire really rarely. So quality of the match affects rate of fire. A good example is the one turret, with which you only need to set a big red canister: when it on place the turret works like a machine gun (a lot of damage, but runs out of bullets fast), but the canister is up, it will fire like a standard tower (or slower).

Thanks! :3

Can't launch the game :(  "UnityPlayer.dll was not found". You probably uploaded only exe, for unity you need to zip and upload the whole build folder

Yep, no losing is a bug, it just doesn't work. Lack of time, obv, but I am happy that winning is working :) 

Regarding turrets, agree. The plan was to hide the most and activate them during the game, as a normal player would set them in standard tower-defense