Why are you pretending its fun to be sent back to the exact same zone 70 times in a row right when things get interesting? If gameplay sucks than it doesn't matter how much its like samara. Lore doesn't matter if gameplay sucks.
and the truth is the RNG sucks, its horrible and lots of people have also agreed with this
the RNG makes it feel incomplete
characters dont feel special cause you see them all the time
zones dont feel special because you just get thrown back to the same ones over and over again
just makes the entire thing feel rushed, like someone just opening up garrys mod and spawning a bunch of stuff. it feels random, rushed and lazy to just have all this stuff thrown everywhere.
I get this is harsh criticism but this game is just so much worse than the original. I feel if it didnt have all these beautiful 3D animations that everyone would agree thats its just worse than the original
every level is just so dark and dull, and grey, you just get thrown into RNG loops over and over again.