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(1 edit)

Hi, didn't jam2go use SceneViewExtension based on your work to achieve this in his last video ?

* Oh I just saw your last video, work in progress I guess ^^

I released this feature in the latest update, so Jam recently showed it in his video

Cool, it can be done easily, or I better wait for a public api/doc? 

Hmm, I'm not sure I understand you.
SceneViewExtension is used for the plugin's functionality, including achieving effect that apply only to specific objects on the scene. In the current version of the plugin, this can be done using plugin's blueprint library or console commands. What do you mean by public api/doc?

oh right, by setting custom depth buffer and enable render on mesh. I was looking at another way since I already use depth buffer ^^

Could exclude be a thing ? Like everything moshed except tagged actors ?

This is something I am wondering about as well. Having a thing to be able to exclude specific actors would be awesome.

(1 edit) (+2)

Well I'll see what I can do with gameplay tags since that's a good idea. But first, I need to finish functionality related to custom depth and stencil.

I think the new update is more than halfway done, so it will include expanded functionality for excluding objects.

I've found a proper way to read Stencil values of objects for operations within the shader, but I still need to find a more optimal way to pass this values and work with this array inside the shader code (which is always tricky with arrays in HLSL).