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(1 edit) (+5)(-1)

Well. It just so happens that I also read this IF a while back. At the beginning I was confused, too, yes. But. It cleared up a bit after the fight scene and such.

And even though I haven't begun to read it anew I still remember the conversations about the war and everything. 

Also, your initial assumption that you think that the author hasen't read their own story is... honestly uncalled for. Especially if one regards their very forthcoming answers to you. In my eyes it's a tad bit disrespectful to assume such a thing if not intentionally harmful.

I am writing an IF too and this part right here is about the only thing I absolutely despise of being one: we IF authors are so close to our readers and try so damn hard to please everyone...and those insults regarding the worlds and characters we've carefully built are often pretty intertwined with our mental health... I for one would feel so disheartened to get such a reply...

Dear author, please dont take such criticism to heart, especially cause it wasn't kept constructive in my opinion.

Many others, as well as I, truly enjoy the world you've built ☝🏻 

And tbh at the beginning...isn't it necessary for the plot and such to be just as confused as the MC? For me it's a sign of good writing the moment the story sweeps me up with some emotion.

The only thing I would love in IFs in general would be more chooseable genders for the ROs. It is adding so much freedom to the story overall and tends to attract a much wider spectrum of readers 🥰 


Thank you for your kind words and feedback. I do agree with your point about how it is necessary for the plot to exclude certain from a main character who is stuck in another world. This is what I was aiming for when writing Aquarii, though I do admit that I may have accidentally included information that was not originally available for readers who did not make certain choices, and I have started to go back and fix that. Hopefully I can clear up any confusion that the current build may have caused. ❤️

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I'm not as confused as the MC. I'm more confused than the MC. My entire point is that the MC knows seven billion things I was never told. You'd realize that if you read a single fucking one of my comments before needlessly bashing me and claiming my criticism is not constructive. Especially considering the author clearly has taken it to heart and is making changes based on exactly my criticisms. Fuck you, asshole.

You may think you're being nice, but you're not. You're a piece of shit who's sugarcoating your bullshit. I'm the one saying anything of actual value to anyone.


make your own game if you don’t like this one. 

nobody needs “criticism” from some loser who spends their days commenting mean things on people’s games when they can’t even make one.

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No one needs baseless comments from some random person who registered 5 hours and posted 5 hours ago solely to bash someone they don't even know.

Also, in case you're an idiot, most professional game critics have never made a game, and most players -- who won't play a game they don't think is good -- have never made a game. If you want a game to be successful, most of the people you need to please have never made a game.

You also seem to be randomly assuming that Erized, who said pretty much the same thing I said, has made a game, otherwise you'd also be bashing them. They haven't.

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this is for @MarloweC because they apparently blocked me: 

using the phrase “professional game critics” when everyone can see the furry games on your profile is really funny. touch some grass freak, you’re no critic. 

and yes, i created this account to bash you. the creator of this game has no obligation to please you, because nobody cares what you think. maybe you should get a life and some friends who aren’t made out of pixels and then you won’t feel the need to comment on every game on this website. 

also erized wasn’t rude with their criticism. you’re the most annoying one in the comments section, and not because of the criticism, but because you seem somehow entitled to another person’s game. as i said before, the creator doesn’t have to make any changes to the game just because you don’t like it. 

don’t like the game, don’t play it. play “Tales from the land of lust” instead, you seem pretty invested in it. :))

(2 edits) (-1)

Yeah, you obviously can't read at all.

At no point was I ever rude to the author. You, on the other hand, were  extremely fucking rude to myself and billions of other people in the world, and only afterwards was I rude to you in return.

I did not claim to be a professional game critic. No clue where the fuck you got that idea.

I never claimed that the author needs to or even should listen to my criticisms. What I said was that the author did, in fact, listen to my criticisms.

I have absolutely zero cares about that game that you claimed I'm invested in.

Your comment about furries doesn't even make sense. I don't even know how to respond to it because it has no logical substance.

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you don't think you were rude to the author? seems like i'm not the one who can't read, you told them they don't read their own game. and i’m sure you called someone in the comments an “asshole” and a “piece of shit” and told them to fuck themselves. while they were being really nice too. 

you also claim you’re no critic, but when i told you to make your own game, you responded by saying that most professional critics don’t actually make their own game. what are people supposed to get from that? again, i’m not the one who can’t read, am i? 

you say things like “i’m the only one saying anything of actual value here”. well i think you should get off that high horse because you’re just a nobody in an itch comments section. your thoughts and feelings on the game don’t matter. yes, maybe the author made some changes and nobody said you can’t criticize in a constructive manner, but you’re just disrespectful. especially to the author who 100% worked hard for this game. i’m sure you don’t often interact with people in real life, but you should fix that attitude before talking to people online, too. 

and on the furry comment.. you seem pretty offended by it given that you replied to my comment in like an hour, so it must have some substance. what i clearly meant is that you act like you’re some big shot critic when you actually play freaky furry games on itch and expect people to value your opinion. 

we don’t care, weirdo. get a life

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You continue to offend billions of people while offering nothing of substance. I don't know why you haven't been permabanned yet.

I am not responding to you because I am offended. I am responding because that is the polite thing to do, something which I don't believe you've ever been in your life. But since it's now abundantly clear that you're just a troll, I'm going to stop feeding you.

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i keep writing giant paragraphs only for idiots to tell me i’m not saying anything of substance. you can admit you just don’t know what to say anymore, you know?

idk what billions of people i have offended by calling you rude and a furry, but you do you i guess

and i don’t really care about perma ban or what the hell you’re talking about, but it’s pretty obvious you’re the only one who’s reporting my comments because no one on this website had ever told you the truth to your face. you’re also probably like 14 so get off itch and try to invest as much energy in writing papers for school as you do in writing pretentious comments on games, alright?