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Yeah I left some there, that is intentional then.

Sure feel free too! You would be not the first, because of that, i know all the locations out of my head anyway xD

I looked them up and there are actually not that many, thought I added way more. Sorry my mistake, I was sure I had made much more. Here is a list a equipments that have accuracy bonuses. The Night Googles do have +100% Accuracy but besides that the other ones have much smaller rates. Thanks for bringing it up will add more to the next version and sorry for the inconvinience!

Hats: Sun Glasses, Night Vision Goggles

Rings: Mother Earth Roots, Monster Ring (Unreleased)

Other: Cute Ribbon, Worn Out Dog Collar, Monster Helmet (Unreleased)

(1 edit) (+1)

"Lonely Tear of Eternity"?

Haven't seen the hats' stuff yet. Where are they placed? With Mother Earth Roots + Cute Ribbon I basically never hit with low accuracy stuff (lowest accuracy attacks), Mother Earth Roots + Worn Out Dog Collar yielded some improvement for the floor, Painful Parade got some hits in.

There is also no way to look up the current accuracy in the statistics part.

Two western town gates:

Oldest spelling mistake in game:

The sunglasses were in the abandound park area if i remember correctly and the goggles in one of the 0.8 new areas, i think either dragon story or one of the caves.

I think accuracy is called Hit Rate still, and it is in the statistics. Its in one of the tabes but cant be looked up in battle yet.


Also will fix all the spelling ones, thanks!

(3 edits) (+1)

Only found the Acorn Shooter in the Abandoned Park. For the Dragon Story I expect to need the fourth broken key part, I have yet to to find.

Is this meant to be solvable?

Nope broken keys are for another thing. There is also a book with a small hint on the broken keys. Oh sorry thought for some reason you already did that story, just forget what i said.

Yup it is, needs one of the new forms field ability.