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the idea is very nice and fitting with the theme. you should play with lights and shadows. in a club it is often dark or there are lights of all colors. another thing is that the mechanics to take them out (like billiards) is nice but I would have desperately wanted to have a grab button and take them out like a real bouncer.

Yeah. These were things on the list of dev. But I was limited by Defold in this case. I wanted to use arms (the player had arms originally) to point and grab (to get drinks and people) but this is not really simple in Defold (IK specifically isnt really possible atm without making a full custom anim system.. which I am doing :) ). 

I did also have a lighting/render pass for shadows and lighting, but it became difficult to run this with decent frame rates. The main problem is the animation (I wanted alot more people) and if I had 50+ ppl and the render features enabled, it slowed quite alot. The anim atm is all on the CPU so if you need something like shadows, lights and other calcs happening too, then it isnt great. 

I will add these back in, in the future when I get my own extensions sorted. But its the sort of thing you cant really complete in a week, although the lighting one, I did attempt it :)  Oh, the club was _alot_ darker (see the screenshots) but I brightened it purely because it was getting hard to even see people properly.  I hope to get 200+ people working in web, with decent shadows/lighting/camera fx which will really make it a bit nuts :) 

I should note too, there are spot lights - very rudimentary "quick hack" to replace the render texture stuff I had been wanting in. Also during this I ran into a number of RT + web problems too. Some of the shaders I needed just dont work on the web (which is understandable). So.. when I get back to this.. will do some upgrades. ;)