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  • Needs options for UI and the like. Most users won’t know they can use alt-enter.
  • Generation is able to cut off pieces of land either via mountains or gaping holes, though is mitigated by the ability to regenerate the terrain.
  • Water spawns are broken (as per the dev, this is due to a glitch regarding health. Think Ghandi, but if the underflow resulted in him being deleted)
  • The ability to adjust ratios for generation would be nice.
  • Player camera needs to be reworked a bit, maybe implement different camera types like Table Top Simulator.
  • Similarly, going beneath the map looks odd due to ‘pillar’ generation, though is a petty non-issue.
  • If honeydew creates a hole (at least beneath himself) he won’t fall.
  • Movement occasionally seems to be broken, only allowing the character to move within 1 space of his spawn point...or only being able to move to the same space he’s already on.
  • No music or sound
  • Selecting characters - be it selecting to move or attack or selecting an enemy to attack - feels finicky, sometime feeling like you need to click on the tile, sometimes the circle, sometimes the model themselves.
  • Models don’t disappear when killed, resulting in...gravity defying circumstances.
  • If a joining player quits to menu, it doesn’t end the game. If they try to rejoin the session, they can ready up..but can’t actually rejoin. Game properly exits to menu if the host quits.
  • Following the above, if a host quits and then hosts a new session, another player will not be able to actually join that session despite it showing up. Likewise, said host will no longer see any other hosted games when they try to join. This is fixed by exiting and restarting the game.
  • Players are able to shoot themselves and their teammates.
  • Different terrains have different hardnesses. (As per the dev; stone takes 2 hits, grass/path takes 1). Cracked textures need to be added later.
  • Why is does the sword user have a ranged attack?
  • Ranged user can shoot every space...even empty space for some reason.
  • Even if all tiles beneath and around a character are destroyed, they can still move to nearby spaces despite effectively hovering in the void. 
  • When there is no tile beneath a character, you CANNOT attack them.
  • Giving a gift to the enemy team - which you can do at any time after picking up a gift- currently does nothing beyond refilling your action points.
  • End screen doesn’t trigger until turn is ended, which may confuse some players.

2 stars, not a bad attempt but there’s a lot to add/fix. Has potential

What we accomplised was alot to do in 48 hours. aturaly there are some bugs. alot of those things are things we were aware of at the end we just didnt have the time to fix them. I will adress a few things however:

"Selecting characters - be it selecting to move or attack or selecting an enemy to attack - feels finicky, sometime feeling like you need to click on the tile, sometimes the circle, sometimes the model themselves." 

when you select a character on your team you click the character. when selecting the enemy click the tile. this is not ideal i know but its how it works.

"Why is does the sword user have a ranged attack?"

I assume you are talking about Nanosounds? she has a ranged attack because she was going to have a flux tentacle come up from the gound and attack the target. but we couldnt get the tentacle working. 

"Ranged user can shoot every space...even empty space for some reason."

That is actualy a bug you only see on the connected client. Clicking on the ability in the hotbar a second time will select the right tiles

"Giving a gift to the enemy team - which you can do at any time after picking up a gift- currently does nothing beyond refilling your action points."

It does actualy give an ability to the other team it just doesnt show up on the hotbar all the time.