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I like the style of the poor little souls waiting for you to be judged. They are easily distinguishable which is very important in this game due to its pace. The mechanic works well overall, though I would have preferred a little more control over who get's tossed around and who not. But maybe that's the point of the game? I managed to get around each percentage to the lower half of 60 which didn't feel like I accomplished very much.

The music I'm not a fan of since it hurts my ears and am missing a mute option. Some sound effects for the beam and for souls being banished/reaching their goal might improve the game, though at the same time might also get on your nerves if heard constantly.


Yeah, the music came out very strident, and I didn't have time for SFX. Three hours are a tight limit, and I barely know the basics of MilkyTracker (the software I used to make it). Still, I like the melody, and if I'll have the chance, I'll try composing a more pleasant version of it with a different software. Thanks for the comment!