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I like this type of game a lot and could definitely see myself getting lost in it for a while, with a few updates.

First off, I did notice some bugs around photos. Whenever photos appear, the text reacts strongly and moves around. Sometimes, it doesn't immediately recover ( and you can't read the next few lines.

I understand the vision here, but a bit more UI would be a huge help without detracting from the overall design. I had a hard time keeping track of the hunger level, because it changes without telling you. I died in the middle of Day 2 because I had no food and didn't realize I was on death's door.

The story seemed a little too outlandish. There were random details that didn't make sense and took away from the overall game. I went to Elon's factory and met Billie Eilish in the park on Day 1. It was funny, but I had a hard time caring much about my character (Justin Beaver). I would have more fun and feel more connected to the game if the world became absurd due to something I did, rather than me having to do normal stuff in this absurd world.

Overall, I see a lot you could do with the game. It's a good start for a project that could be a huge time sink. It could even be a cool mobile game - I could see myself playing this on a cross-country flight. Great job!

Thanks for the detailed feedback and the bug report. I will be definitely considering adding a proper window with characters stats in the future, although deep in my heart I feel that dying on day 2 not realizing your beaver is hungry is the true CASTOR experience...