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todos os castores matam a morte...
Submitted by HeidenNaugler — 1 day, 18 hours before the deadline
Rated by 13 people so far
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What would you like feedback on?
Any feedback on both the game itself and bugs would be greatly appreciated!

What did you update?
Changed text timings, added proper resizing, fixed major audio bug.

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Have to love the nostalgic feel of a text based choose your adventure game.  Great concept, adding some ability to update settings to suit many players will be nice.  Text moves quickly and unless you can read at a faster rate the auto scrolling will be a pain point potentially with other players.  text scroll is fast, but photo will seem like there is a long pause after a photo perhaps swapping both timers will help. text sit longer for others to read and photos will scroll away faster.


This is a good idea. Next update I plan to update the logic to make pauses at the end of sentences based on the number of words and update the text and image speed options accordingly. Thanks for playing!


Wonderful time, ate myself stupid then sat around the senate doing absolutely nothing all day listening to a cash register, left with $200 and died so malnourished the vultures didn't have anything to eat 10/10 would play again.

The text moved a bit fast when pictures were involved, but much too slow when the ... were present, would have greatly appreciated settings to change the text speed as well as an option to fastforward through text in some areas.


Really good and creative game. I always enjoy playing text adventures! The text speed is a bit too fast sometimes, expecially when images pops out. Really good game, good job!


Did some fun stuff in the park, hung out with family, then died so malnourished. Good times.

I think the speed was overall too fast, at least in the intro. Couldn’t keep up with the text on screen. The writing was pretty comedic so I liked that. While I would’ve liked some more explanation on what to do or what was going on, that doesn’t seem quite in the spirit of the (potentially) goofy adventure.

Overall I think it was a fun romp!


I really liked the game. This games where you can choose your own adventure are always very interesting and intriguing. I played two times and both times I starved to death. 

I agree with the other players regarding the text. Sometimes it goes to fast and plus the images in between, you do not get enough time to read all of it. Other times the text moved slow and I could not speed it up.

Overall I think it's a great idea. Keep it up!


Thanks! When you say the text moved slow, you mean in pauses like the "..." between events? Or you mean a general slowdown?


Fought evil and it my ass then got respected for  heroism then I think it crashed or unless that was my ending, 

I think its pretty cool , maybe use numbers instead of letters as its easier to press the different options?  I think this game is about the story , and perhaps consistency in the art , as it feels weird getting human pictures when I am a beaver


They are metaphorical pictures... although I agree it should be more consistent. Did the game crash immediately after the fight evil event? I will look into it. Thanks for playing!

Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

I really enjoyed playing my character "beaverino".

He had 50 IQ.

He was a thief.

He loved being a thief so much.

He lived at his Aunt's house.

in 2 days, he quickly made $18 and ended up with $78 in total.

He loved being a thief so much... he forgot eat.

He died on day 2. Happy and fulfilled, but seriously malnourished.

On my second play through I think I found a bug:

On my 3rd playthrough, Beaverino 2 was robbed on day 6 and lost his motivation to play :(

Feedback: it's maybe a little too random. It's fun to have things happen randomly but if you've been careful to eat, make money and made smart choices, losing all your money feels very harsh.

I really liked the music and text sound. The pauses between sentences




Really added to the tension before you found out what happened :)

Great concept, I really enjoyed the theme.

Aegis 🛡


The big city can be a very harsh place to a 50 IQ beaver with lots of money, the game is balanced in a way you basically have to kept money at low, but not too low to the point you can't sleep and eat. It's a little cruel, but this is supposed to be one of these near impossible to win games where the fun is replayability and seeing how far you can go. Really curious about that bug though, I will be making tests to try find what caused it. Thanks for playing!

Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

I think I pressed Enter 2x or 3x very fast when choosing language. I would start there!

Good luck! <3


A very nice idea! I enjoyed being this a bit of a noire beaver detective in a big city :D

A couple of things that I would love to comment upon:

- The intro seemed to me a bit random, like there are plenty of names and places, but as I know nothing about them, I cannot be immediately immersed in the story and wonder at first what all this means :D Maybe a bit of more cohesive lore, even for a funny game like this, would be good to start from!

- The font was too big to read it comfortably and as the pictures appeared in the chat, it moved a bit abruptly, so I needed some time to find where I stopped reading;

- I think the introduction could be a little shorter, as you get lots of options you need to read through before you get to the "start the game" button, I wish it was easier to reach :)

- Every time I got invested i the story I forgot about my stats and then it was too late! I wish I could see my stats and all the changes that happen right there on the screen at all times.

Good game! 


Thanks for the feedback, I shall definitely be addressing these issues in future updates!


I read through all the other comments, and the only thing I can add to it is that the text should be a bit more dynamic. Currently all of it appears at the same speed, which makes it hard to read because humans don't read like that. You should add small pauses after each sentence, option etc.

I would also probably make the game less zoomed in, so that the large jumps caused by the images become less of an issue.


For sure, I am still revising text speed and pauses. An option to make the game less zoomed in is also a good idea. Thanks for playing!


I really like the style of this game, the chunky text printing on the screen, the funny writing and images, the beaver theme.  All of that is great.  There was a lot I didn't understand like something about an AI? and Musk? but that kind of added to the weird fun. 

This type of game can be tricky to balance, and I think the balance is OK right now.  It's really hard to succeed on your first try and I think that's a good thing.  That's way better than it being obvious and easy.  but the bigger issue right now is mechanical clarity.  I get there are some stats and I am trying to keep them all high enough to survive, but it's not clear which actions will affect which stats.  I need to be able to make a plans, react to the conditions of my stats, but currently that's hard.  And it feels like there is maybe some RNG that determines the outcomes of some events?  Which is fine, but I'd like to know when I'm choosing something risky versus something reliable.  It would also be good if I had a better sense of my goal.  

Another thought I had is that some of the stats feel more compelling than others.  The keeping your belly full stat is very compelling, but the...skill points stat didn't really make sense to me, so I wasn't really excited to improve it.  Sanity and money are also pretty compelling, so I guess it's just skill points that I think need improving. 

I genuinely had fun playing this.  I felt like I was exploring a weird beaver world and fearing for my life.  Great work! 


Thanks for playing! Maybe in a next update I'll add a proper window for stats to help keeping up with things. Currently, most actions have different outcomes depending on RNG, the game was designed around trial and error and I wanted it to be very hard to survive; just like the beaver who is completely clueless about the big city, I wanted for the player to feel clueless about the mechanics and outcomes of things, but most of the events always tell you when stats raise or fall and unless you are really unlucky there are certain patterns.

Skill points still need to be integrated better, but they will reduce the amount of luck needed to get the "good" outcomes of the events that require err, skills, and they can't fall to 0 or else the beavers brain activity stops completely!


I like this type of game a lot and could definitely see myself getting lost in it for a while, with a few updates.

First off, I did notice some bugs around photos. Whenever photos appear, the text reacts strongly and moves around. Sometimes, it doesn't immediately recover ( and you can't read the next few lines.

I understand the vision here, but a bit more UI would be a huge help without detracting from the overall design. I had a hard time keeping track of the hunger level, because it changes without telling you. I died in the middle of Day 2 because I had no food and didn't realize I was on death's door.

The story seemed a little too outlandish. There were random details that didn't make sense and took away from the overall game. I went to Elon's factory and met Billie Eilish in the park on Day 1. It was funny, but I had a hard time caring much about my character (Justin Beaver). I would have more fun and feel more connected to the game if the world became absurd due to something I did, rather than me having to do normal stuff in this absurd world.

Overall, I see a lot you could do with the game. It's a good start for a project that could be a huge time sink. It could even be a cool mobile game - I could see myself playing this on a cross-country flight. Great job!


Thanks for the detailed feedback and the bug report. I will be definitely considering adding a proper window with characters stats in the future, although deep in my heart I feel that dying on day 2 not realizing your beaver is hungry is the true CASTOR experience...


Quite fun and entertaining (especially the images) and well made, only the images move the text so far sometimes that it is hard to keep track of the text that I was reading, a suggestion I would have is to make the user press space before/after the images. But anyways, it was a really fun game!


That's fair, I will be making that change next update. Thanks for playing!