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love the presentation, it's a bit of populous mixed with timberborn. I do miss some kind of way of handling floods other than just taking it and some popups to explain certain things would be nice, but it wasn't too hard to figure out.

It does feel a bit weird that you can just go into -100 wood and stone, but otherwise I don't really see how you could recover from a lvl 4 flood.

(2 edits)

what are you doing to get into the negatives? I see some people reporting that but haven't reproduced it yet

Level 4 flood is survivable assuming all of your main buildings for food + water production are on level 5 as well as a couple houses. At that point you don't need the resource econ and can just stockpile for the final flood (level 5) which lasts for a bit before the game ends

I just click on a building I wanna build and then put it down, regardless of whether I have the resources for it.

oh huh guess the check for that is broken for some reason