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A member registered Apr 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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Very well made and polished. The storm cloud is a great visual tell of how long you have left before you take damage. I did play it with mouse originally and it's definitely better with controller.

Usually I'm not too crazy about text adventures, especially game jam text adventures, It often feels like you have to read someone elses unpublished novel without doing anything, which is not really the vibe for a game jam. But honestly with this one, there was enough gameplay/choices that I did feel engaged enough to read what was happening.

I was actually pleasantly surprised by the ending, it was nice that it didn't end in world ending storms. But that the people were allowed to rebuild. 

My one point of critique is that I didn't actually have to change up my strategy all that much, I could mainly just go 4 -> food, 2 to maintaining, 4 to building supplies. which basically held me steady the whole way through.

Other than that nitpick, it was well done and well executed.

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Very ambitious and well executed, I had some trouble getting off of ladders and I'm not sure if there is a gameplay mechanic I've been  missing with the water. First encounter with the monster was terrifying and I died almost immediately. After a couple of attempts I was able to fend it off, but it is a very tense and atmospheric game you guys have created. Great interpretation of the theme and very well made, I'd love to play a more fleshed out version with more mechanics.

It's a pretty inventive game mechanic to have X number of moves that slowly regain over time and that you permanently lose max number of moves if you hit an obstacle. It fits the theme, but I feel like the "storm" part of the game could be even more extreme.

Great job at your first gamejam entry! :)

It was fairly entertaining, surprisingly very funny with it's sounds XD good job.

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Made a jumpking/Flappy Bird inspired game in Godot, Rate my game, I'll rate yours :)

Really smart interpretation of the theme.

Very basic, the movement felt really floaty. I was pleasantly surprised that the obstacles were physics enabled and you actually affected them when jumping over them.

It becomes very repetitive, I often times missed a sprint button to avoid the ghosts.

This is a very well made entry, one of the best I've played so far and the critique is not to detract from it.

It does feel like the difficulty curve is a bit over the place, some levels are very, VERY difficult, and the next level is then very easy. Some of the additional gameplay mechanics (zap namely) feels inconsistent and I never got the feel for it.

Occasionally I felt like the jumping height was a bit inconsistent.

All that aside I had lots of fun and am very impressed with it. Good job :D

Oh man... driving with a trailer is already difficult, no need to  add aliens...

It's really well made and I like that you let the player choose the route and where to pickup cargo. A topdown post-apocalyptic openworld driving game would be kindda fun.

Really impressed with the engine and well executed, I'm just really bad at rhythm games :P

it is pretty funny how I basically just went... welp I have hammer now... guess I'll die :P 'cause I couldn't drop it.

A really good idea and very hectic gameplay, a lot of the mouse clicks weren't registered, but when it worked it was great fun.

Definitely struggled at first since I didn't know the drop key and therefore couldn't drop anything. Really atmospheric and tense, I love the investigation mechanic and I'd love to see it expanded on more.  I do feel it's often a crab shoot between two ghosts though.

I get the same error :(

Really interesting idea and great interpretation of the theme. As other people have already said there are some pretty severe bugs, but I do hope you fix the bugs and add the missing parts so I can play it some more :)

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGG, Now I'm reminded why I don't miss flappy bird

my highscore was 32 in the end. It's a real good idea to use the theme for experimenting with escalating gameplay, but my god I suck at basic flappy bird

Fun idea, but a bit buggy, there was multiple times where I couldn't place new platforms or repair my old ones and I lost.

Cool little idea, I liked the audio and graphics.

oh man don't apologize :D it's great that you managed to finish making a game in such a short time! (remember Cyberpunk 2077 took years and was buggy as hell ;P) I look forward to your updated version :)

ok yeah... BRUTAL Randomness indeed, I got killed by the first goblin twice... T_T 

That aside, this is a really cool take on the theme and I did enjoy myself :D The best part about this game is your writing which is really good. It leaves some to the imagination but doesn't starve the player of important context.

I did encounter some bugs, first one was when I tried to flee a battle and succeeded, but then I still died when I just clicked "continue on road" and the second bug was that I couldn't unequip my starter weapons (and you REALLY need to have an equipped weapon to deal with the first elf)

I'd love to see a more polished version of this :D

very nice presentation, but I think there is a bug? I can't fortify my buildings and no storm is showing up :/

the idea and interpretation of the theme is really inventive and the graphics are great, the music makes me think of the old Crash Bandicoot game XD.

I love the foreshadowing on the computer while you're tending to your customers. It's a real shock to change the mechanics mid game and force the player to play a top down zombie shooter where they previously played a convenience store sim. Really great interpretation of the theme.

The graphics were very cute and it was enjoyable, I liked how the story is told partially through gameplay (i.e. you falling down into the red area)

Interesting concept of a day/night cycle where you get to plan your attack. It does feel a bit barebone, but it's also very ambitious for a game jam that only lasts a week. I didn't like how you had to perform the rip attack, I could never reliably get it to work. I like stealth games and horror themes so I'd love to see how you'd expand on the ideas in the game :)

Really inventive take on the theme. The graphical style is a bit crude at times but it works. I loved the progression of enemies as the game went on.

I made it to wave 9 before my house was brought down.

ok ngl, it made me laugh XD I relate way too much man

a Story for the ages T_T

It has a really lovely atmosphere but the collision detection feels unfair with the sawblades and often the umbrella just doesn't deploy when I press shift :( I do hope you continue working on it, it's a solid start :) 

The music is very beautiful and the mood is very calm and nice in the beginning. It becomes deviously challenging. However, I do think it's a bit hard to judge certain jumps/collisions, it looks like the character is hovering over the ground, but at the same time it can pass through the tips of the ceiling. In general I do like the peaceful and zen-like quality this game exudes. But it does feel unfair and frustrating at times. 

Either way a really good job :)

jesus christ... Filmcow just keeps hitting homeruns

At first it does seem really impressive, but I do miss a lot of polish from such an ambitious project. The UI is not really legible unless you fullscreen it and the controls are not obvious or easy to find. 

It looks really pretty and the concept is brilliant. Since it punishes/rewards your actions directly with the village shield mechanic.

I just click on a building I wanna build and then put it down, regardless of whether I have the resources for it.

love the presentation, it's a bit of populous mixed with timberborn. I do miss some kind of way of handling floods other than just taking it and some popups to explain certain things would be nice, but it wasn't too hard to figure out.

It does feel a bit weird that you can just go into -100 wood and stone, but otherwise I don't really see how you could recover from a lvl 4 flood.

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really cool idea, it has a "keep the plates spinning" kindda vibe. It is a bit hard to understand what's happening at first, but it is helpful that you have posted a video.

very cool presentation, but I can't really start the game?

this I could see working on a larger indie game :D

Nice one :D

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here's my level: it's called "Dictators can't jump" 


another one called "Nudge"


Space Jam:


Up up and away:


In the way:


lion king:


