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hi, thank you for your feedback, I have fixed that bug. So yeah, dying is expectef in general :D


Awesome, I might consider to play it again actually because I really found this one interesting.

(1 edit) (+1)

hey thanks, really appreciate you liking the game, even though we planned for it to have monsters, bugs are an innevitable (and somewhat expected) passengers of the game.

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I tried it again and it's working better now, I think before it was not placing the paths correctly a lot of the time. I think though my monsters were still there, I didn't even lose one, and it said that I died and lost too many of them all of a sudden after about 5 to 10 minutes or so. I was watching their color and giving them hamburgers. I might double check if somehow there were multiple ones dying at exactly the same time, but it's possible it might be another bug as well. Or, maybe I missed something and there's some other way to lose that happened.

I really like this game, and I believe that usually, I tend not to like this specific kind of game, so you did a really great job on it!

Hey thank you! I think what is happening is that you need to keep ALL monsters alive, even those outside your road. You can feed them while trying to reach them!

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I built enough of the area to have all of them walking and collecting resources, the game was still going, for a while. I was giving hamburgers to the ones that were starting to look tired or losing color. Then, suddenly I lost even when they were all looking like they still had full color and not one died. Maybe it was enough for just one monster to die or something (though to me, I think I was keeping them all alive and not even letting one die,  but I'm not sure, maybe just one died and I didn't notice, and even just losing one was enough to lose the game). Maybe somehow many of them died at once and I missed it (though, I'm not sure that happened), or there was another way I lost that I missed. 

I might try it again and see if it happens.

In case I try it again, might you like a video capture to see if it might be a bug?

I did not know I can feed them while they are still standing there, I think I just built the area fast enough to get them all walking and the game was still going fine for a while after that before I suddenly lost, but I might keep in mind I can feed them even before I get to them.