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Thanks for the feedback! 

Glad you liked the visuals :D Props to the art team they did a great job! :)

We tried being as inclusive as possible and made everything mouse & touch-control's so its supported on mobile, update #1 post jam will be adding key-bind support for most common actions in game. 

An alternative way of selecting node's & drawing paths does look like something we can look into. Right & Left click would work but worry that that would be confusing ( also how would we make a mobile alternative for those ), something we'll have to think about for sure.

Additional ships do make the game a lot faster, but I do agree it takes a while to get to that point. 

Background music had a weird interaction with switching tabs whilst it's loading, still haven't figured out how / why fully. We can get it to stay 100% of the time whilst playing in & staying on page. There's 5 tracks 2 in Credits & Story & 3 during gameplay. Always with a 30second silence between them as requested by our sound guys :)

We went for a dark & somber vibe as it's post-apocalyptic flooded Europe, would you enjoy there be a "less sad option"?  We have versions of the map that are more vibrant and could tone down the fog for that.


You could use a destination marker that's moved by clicking on the ship and dragging to the destination point.  Not drag-clicking could then be used to select ports.  That should work with touchscreens and mice.

I meant the tone, not the setting.  The diary was intense.  It's fine, if that's what you're aiming for.  It's not a complaint, just feedback.  I just thought you should know.

You think the dairy is intense enough to warrant some kind of trigger warning? If so I can look into adding that in the post jam update.