You can still release your game. Try posting a link to it here. I'm sure people will play it.
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A really good puzzle game. It was awesome that there were multiple solutions. UI is really well laid out. Music was good.
The instructions started overlapping when looking at them multiple times. The learning curve was quite steep, but after you realise you can just plop down brown hexes where ever, it becomes a lot easier for quite a while. I was able to often get much higher powers than the goal.
Some recommendations:
- Have some victory sound effect.
- Maybe you could add hover text to the hexes to show what they do.
- Let players remove pieces by right clicking on them even if they're not the current hex.
- Let players control the rotation using the mouse.
Fun vertigo simulator!
The graphics, lighting, and design are done really well. A load of work clearly went into this. I must say the cover image just doesn't do the game justice. Just use a nice screenshot instead. Rare, but pleasant to see voice logs in jam games. Game might give some vertigo, those ledges are insanely small! Also, you might want to look into the frame rate.
Solid graphics. Nailed the theme really well. The music cut out for me, but I did enjoy the homemade slurping sound, though I'm not sure if tornadoes actually sound like that ;) Bit too easy, but I guess it's like a relaxing walking sim, which can honestly be quite refreshing after playing. Thank you.
The game just looks and sounds great. The music reinforcing the aesthetic. I like the clear design of nature vs machines. The models look and animate very well. There are enough visual effects without it getting in the way of game play. The atmosphere is superb.
The game seemed confusing at first. Lots of tough enemies are quickly on you and you can't directly fight back. It was only when I read the guide that I saw what I was supposed to do. I think maybe changing the level design might advert the need for that. For example, the player could be made to simply watch the flowers destroy the mechacrabs from a distance. It wasn't clear what the differences between the flowers were. Maybe an easier starting enemy would have made it less difficult to experiment.
Might also want to do something about the frame rate.
Graphics look excellent, though your fish is hard to see. Sound effects are great. Ambience is top notch. Exploration is awesome in this game. The enemies are creepy and well designed.
I tried to get two of the enemies to injure each other, but it didn't seem possible.
Does the game just go on and on? I left it after the 4th orb.
I myself tried to think of a maths game, but I couldn't figure out how to make it work. So, it's nice to see someone trying.
I agree with the others, it feels wrong when you blast enemies and they simply split into smaller enemies. This idea might have worked better as a tower defence game.
It was a good attempt at something unique and if you don't experiment, you never know.
This was actually a really fun puzzle game. There were lots of interesting and varied mechanics. You nailed the theme really well. Your level designs are great.
Some recommendations:
- The game should automatically reset when you fall too far down.
- It's lacking music. The background ambient sounds are ok, but they're not a real substitute.
- You should look into using free art assets. Or perhaps, team up with an artist.
A nice, classic beat-em-up. Feels very retro. Art, music, even the sound effects are seriously retro. I'd recommend enhancing that feel by using a CRT visual effect, so you really feel like you're playing on an old computer or arcade machine.
Felt odd to just be able to pick every upgrade, every time. Maybe give people a choice of major upgrades, like new attacks, faster movement, etc. Didn't find any other faults.
This is a great idea. I've dabbled in auto-battlers and this is a compelling one.
The artwork looks interesting, but there's a lack of juice. The punches and kicks feel weak. You're kinda just sitting there watching the whole fight while doing nothing. All attacks are identical. It's the same failing animation, the same basic sound effect, the same standard health bar. I think people will want some spectacle when they're just watching. Other jam games use different visual and sound effects to enhance juiciness. Without this, watching these fights can just feel repetitive.
The items lack descriptions and even any stats. This makes every decision random, as it's difficult to discern what an item does during combat.
You go into each fight without replenished health and there are no health packs, which doesn't seem fair. So, you eventually lose even if you play well.
This game is definitely a great start. But your main problem is what do players do during fights.
I hope this helps.
There is no exe file, as this is a web build.
This may be a very specific bug with Godot 4.3:
This issue has only happened to one person who has tried playing my game on in Chrome and OperaGX. The game is not downloadable and is only available to play in the browser. The project file was not changed after I submitted it to the game jam.
The conclusion of the issue:
This sounds like a third party issue or a random error as it's occurring only to one person, probably something involving their browser or some setting or proxy
Without further details there's nothing we can do unfortunately, unless you can identify some specific thing about this user that is causing this, and even then this might be a problem in their browser or with itch that is out of our hands
So, it may be some very obscure issue involving your setup. You should try playing the game on some other device/computer, preferably using a different network connection. See what happens on your or someone else's phone/tablet/laptop/etc.
Wait, Action Balatro? That sounds so awesome! Is that what this project started off as?
Nice level and game design. The AI works well. The game really makes you think hard about whether to stealth or risk shooting a precious bullet. Limiting the power ups, again, requires you to think carefully. Lots of interesting decisions through out. Really great job. Amazing feel to it.
- "R" shouldn't be used for retry, as it's so commonly bound to reload weapon in shooters!
- Enemy attacked while I was still reading the instructions. Maybe pause the game until player clicks on the instructions to proceed. Also, clicking ok fires off one of the precious few bullets!
This is great as a first game jam entry. Really great use of the theme. Excellent music, btw. There was so much variety in objects and their sizes. But maybe that's one reason you ran out of time. It'd might have been better to just focus on the one house alone.
I think the meter runs out too fast. Also, maybe add some visual meter to indicate how powerful the vacuum is getting or how far off we are from increasing in suction strength.
The character artwork does look good, but I found it a little confusing to play at first. It's a good idea and led to some exciting play.
- Just have buttons to press alongside key bindings. The controls are simple, so the game can be entirely played using a mouse.
- Sound effects and music.
- Tutorial to teach the mechanics. Even having some text in game would help.
This was a really fun game to play. It just needs a few alterations.
Like others, I found it difficult to distinguish cover. Maybe arrange them in a pattern, instead of being randomly scattered. It would be nice to have a way to rejuvenate health and enemies shouldn't spawn next to the player. The menu screen music was an odd choice.
Really fun and cool game! Gave me serious Hotline Miami vibes. The game feel was just right! Nice work inserting the theme into it. I really wanted to play more, but the game ends abruptly just as you get into it.
As for recommendations:
- Add some music to it as an instant big improvement!
- Health packs.
- Longer levels.
I liked the home made sound effects. You have a real talent! The game is awesome. There's a lot of work that went into this one. So many items and options. Everything works well. Can't really think of any criticism, aside from a tutorial and allowing the game to be scaled, as it's a bit small.
Excellent entry!! I'll definitely play this again later.
Whoa, Battlebots: the Game!
This is a very ambitious game and could work. I could easily imagine people streaming something like this if there was a multiplayer mode. It's quite tricky as it stands though. Your lightweight bot is easily flipped and then it's instantly game over. The camera's one obvious place for improvement. The physics is quite janky. I think it's gonna need a lot of iterative design. Epic effort.
It's a good entry for your first game jam! I'd recommend adding some kind of score tied to how far you progress. The artwork was good, but could have done with some level of animation.
It was quite a tough game. More difficult than Frogger. You might consider increasing the time delay between enemy shots.
Thanks. There seems to be a long standing issue with webgl on Safari, unfortunately. So, I don't think it'll get solved any time soon.