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Alright I was blown away by this one really cool

At first I thought, ok I'm just making some sandwiches, I named my sandwiches vulgar words and had fun making one with everything on it and got an ick but also got some nice sandwich prompts and I thought oh that's cute.

I'm lazy as heck and never read description pages and this game taught me I definitely should because I was about to exit out when I thought...hmm maybe I'll try clicking the Lunch Time button and suddenly there s a whole nother game there! I couldn't remember any of my sandwich names so I booted the game back up and made some obvious BLT with Mayo and "single bacons" It was a lot of fun

1. uses theme well, preparing sandwich ideas then going out and making and delivering those sandwiches is a unique spin on this theme that I really enjoyed

2. The music is bopping and fits the atmosphere well. Few games have voice acting and the humor in this voice acting was spot on

3. graphics could sue some work, the sandwich parts looked good but the driving section was jank and pixelly

4. Serving the sandwich and tossing it is fun but can also be frustrating, a  gameplay mechanic to make sure the player parks there car correctly, this takes additional time for the player to line up the correct shot.  On one hand I like this because it makes sure the player is focusing on driving correctly and also focusing on sandwich making, another part of me dislikes it because when I miss it's frustrating lol. Also the driving controls are a little janky

5. Game is balanced so complicated sandwiches get more points, very cool and thoughtful

6. Naming sandwiches and then having them pop up as guiding arrows on the screen is a great idea

This is another jam that highlights what jamming is all about, you get to play cool and unique concepts like this

Wow! Thank you so much for the detailed feedback! It's much appreciated. Feedback like this will help as we build out the next version of our game.

Cheers :)