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A member registered 37 days ago

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Nice! Glad we figured it out! :) Nice find! haha. Will be sure to patch that in the next version

Hey! That might happen if you don't have any sandwiches in your menu, and seems to be an edge case we missed! You're the first to catch it, congrats! Haha

Make sure your menu is populated and this shouldn't happen

Thanks so much for playing! Definitely agree with the sandwich indicators, not super practical albeit fun that they are baguettes lol. Will definitely be fine-tuned in the next version of the game.

Glad you enjoyed the concept and building your own sandwiches! :)

Godot devs unite!

We wanna see all the other Godot games!

This Jam was my team's first jam ever! Also our first time making a game, and we decided to use Godot. We learned it as we went, and really enjoyed it!

Drop the links to your Godot engine games and we will give them a play and a rate :)

We would love any feedback for our game, Food Chruck

We plan to continue development on our game, so all feedback is much appreciated!


The Food Chruck team

Will check out your game!

My team's game is like Overcooked meets Crazy Taxi. Would love if you could play and give us some feedback! Thanks! :)

Will give your game a try!

Would love if you'd play my team's game and gave us some feedback! Thanks :)

Your game looks super cute! Will play it and give it a rate!

My team's game is like Overcooked meets Crazy Taxi. Would love if you could play it and give us some feedback!

Will give your game a try! Looks really cool

My team's game is like overcooked meets crazy taxi, where you drive around and chuck orders out your food truck window at customers. You can also chill and customize your menu with as many crazy sandwich creations as you want :) 

It's my friend and I's first ever time making a game, we learned GODOT on the fly while building it, and we are super proud of the outcome.

If you want to give it a try, any feedback is greatly appreciated! 

Come make some sandwiches and chuck them at people :)

My team's game is like overcooked meets crazy taxi, where you drive around and chuck orders out your food truck window at customers. You can also chill and customize your menu with as many crazy sandwich creations as you want :) 

It's my friend and I's first ever time making a game, we learned GODOT on the fly while building it, and we are super proud of the outcome.

If you want to give it a try, any feedback is greatly appreciated! 

Will give your game a try too! Looks really cool

My team's game is like overcooked meets crazy taxi, where you drive around and chuck orders out your food truck window at customers. You can also chill and customize your menu with as many crazy sandwich creations as you want :) 

It's my friend and I's first ever time making a game, we learned GODOT on the fly while building it, and we are super proud of the outcome.

If you want to give it a try, any feedback is greatly appreciated! 

Will give your game a try too! Looks really cool

My team's game is like overcooked meets crazy taxi, where you drive around and chuck orders out your food truck window at customers. You can also chill and customize your menu with as many crazy sandwich creations as you want :) 

It's my friend and I's first ever time making a game, we learned GODOT on the fly while building it, and we are super proud of the outcome.

If you want to give it a try, any feedback is greatly appreciated! 

Will give your game a try too! Looks really cool

My team's game is like overcooked meets crazy taxi, where you drive around and chuck orders out your food truck window at customers. You can also chill and customize your menu with as many crazy sandwich creations as you want :) 

It's my friend and I's first ever time making a game, we learned GODOT on the fly while building it, and we are super proud of the outcome.

If you want to give it a try, any feedback is greatly appreciated! 

Will give your game a try too! Looks really cool

My team's game is like overcooked meets crazy taxi, where you drive around and chuck orders out your food truck window at customers. You can also chill and customize your menu with as many crazy sandwich creations as you want :) 

It's my friend and I's first ever time making a game, we learned GODOT on the fly while building it, and we are super proud of the outcome.

If you want to give it a try, any feedback is greatly appreciated!

Will give your game a try too! Looks really cool

Wow your game looks awesome! Will play and rate!

My team's game is like overcooked meets crazy taxi, where you drive around and chuck orders out your food truck window at customers. You can also chill and customize your menu with as many crazy sandwich creations as you want :) 

It's my friend and I's first ever time making a game, we learned GODOT on the fly while building it, and we are super proud of the outcome.

If you want to give it a try, any feedback is greatly appreciated!

Thanks for the feedback! Definitely agree a little menu pop-up would be a good addition.

Cheers :)

Thanks for playing! :)

Thanks for playing, and for saying you see a lot of potential with it :D we plan on continuing to work on it.

Also cheers for appreciating my voice acting hahaha

Thanks for playing! :)

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! We'll definitely fine tune those aspects in the next version of our game :)

Thanks for playing our game! Appreciate the feedback. I agree, I think a little menu pop-up would be a good add so players can quickly remind themselves of the recipes :)

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed making your own sandwiches, that was a must-have mechanic in our game, so we are happy to hear people are enjoying it :)

Wow! Thank you so much for the detailed feedback! It's much appreciated. Feedback like this will help as we build out the next version of our game.

Cheers :)

Glad you enjoyed! Thanks for playing!! :D

Yay! Glad you enjoyed it! That was a must-have for our game, and believe it or not almost didn't make it in! We managed to grind away and add it in on the last day!

Haha thanks! I finally got to love my voice acting dreams hahaha

Haha so they'll be stinky if they're not a valid sandwich. That'll happen if the sandwich isn't fully in the grey prep area, or the ingredients aren't encapsulated by two slices of bread (one on the bottom and one on the top). A sandwich must also have at least one ingredient

Thanks!! Everything except the city tileset was hand drawn :)

Thanks for playing!!

Adding a tutorial is a good idea :)

Thanks!! :D

Yeah we don't know what happened with the music. When we play the game locally the music loops fine 🤷.

I agree a tutorial section would be a good add!

Thanks for playing! I definitely agree it feelsbadman when you chuck away a good sammy. I've been debating what the next version of the sandwich indicator would be, and I think a minimap in general would be a good addition, would help with navigating the city.

Thanks for the feedback :)

Thanks for playing! Much appreciated :)

Haha awesome! Glad you enjoyed it! We tried some other tunes for the driving section but Ska just felt so right haha. Cheers! :)

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! Much appreciated :)

Thanks!! :D

Thanks for playing!! Definitely agree. You can technically play couch co-op already, with one person controlling the car with WASD and another building sandwiches and throwing them with the mouse :)

Thanks!! :D

Thanks!! :)

Thanks so much for playing! Much appreciated

Thanks for playing!

Haha glad you appreciated my voice acting xD my voice acting dreams came true lol

Thanks so much for playing our game! :)

Haha yeah the driving could be tweaked a little bit, we left it intentionally a bit tricky as we wanted the game to be fairly difficult. Once you get the hang of it though you'll be crushing through the streets of New Sammy City in no time!