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A member registered Apr 28, 2023

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very cool!

I gave it another go, I was able to get passed. I played daddy pig at the hotel and I was able to torch house 2 and 3

However I didn't have the beauty product for house 1, maybe I was suppsoed to get it from hitch hiking pig dad somehow or go home and get one?

This is sucha. great point and click adventure experience

Right side wind, left side wind, cha cha real smooth!

1. one of the most innovative defense style games in this jam or any jam for that matter

2. the game has  sliding tiles, combined with resource generation and defense strategy, there are 3 different concepts here all mashed together into one, just like how you mash together two buildings in this game

3 .art is great, everything is readable, lots of different buildings as well as animated units

4. theme is nicely displayed, the wind blows strong enough to not only combine your buildings but blow away enemy units!

5. the core concept is amazing, you use sliding tiles to upgrade you buildings, just like one of those phone games with the numbers you multiple together. You do this to generate more resources and build more units to defend your sliding city. The concept is tough to understand at first because you need a few different resources generated jus tto start making your first units. After the concept is grasped, the player is required to min/max their build to pump out the maximum amount of power

6. this game is difficult, you'll probably lose the first few times. I eventually grasped a strong build, however it still wasnt strong enough because the enemy hit me with HUGE knights and I didn't have enough goblins to defend. I had to stop there as the game was too tough, but I might come back later for another run, bookmarking this game for sure

7. if you can't slide well your game will go poorly, if you have to rely on the lightning ability your game will also go poorly, this thing has a habit of killing your best buildings

Tons of replayability here to get as far as possible, does this game have an ending? 

Tons of fun, I've given high marks, keep making awesome games

Here's my teams game, leave a comment too and Ill be sure to rate your game

here's our teams game!

Would love to have our game streamed/ in your youtube

Toilet Paper Buying Simulator

1. Does this game take place during the early phases of covid when everyone needed toilet paper? I have no idea what Poly is or why I wanted to smash face to get it, but it happened!

2. this game is a ton of fun. You get to constantly attack and smash enemies. Games like this in gamejams often fail because the attack range is too short and enemies are too abusive and swarm you so you die easily, there is rarely proper balance in these beat em up or vampire survivor style games where it's too easy to die. This game circumvents all of that with a really clever shield mechanic. as far as I can tell your weapon grants you an immunity shield bonus no matter what hits you as long as your swinging, dealing damage and taking damage chips away at this shield, but your health stays in tact. This allows you to keep the smashing fun up without dying! Then you simply need to find another weapon/shield to keep going. Each weapon is the same which is nice so there's not too much surprise just the core mechanics. I played this game on mousepad so i didnt even realize you could throw weapons lol i beat it that way by standing over enemies when swarms of them came at me.

Despite everything I just said, this doesn't make the game any easier, you need to make sure there are weapons nearby, you need to have the resources to beat an enemy swarm, it took me a few tries to beat this game.

3. The movement is nice, the attacking his nice game controls well

4. The enemy AI is great, they have a variety of attacks including leaping at you which is an awesome animation

5. the sound design in this game is PHENOMENAL, all of the sounds are MEATY and CHUNKY. First there is the running of the enemy shoes, its a very loud threatening sound that strikes fear in you, to hear a ton of these clattering foot steps during a swarm actually made me tense up. The weapon smack sounds are great too.

6. On one run I died right at the exit, i tapped 'e' instead of holding and I died, I thought I could get out without fighting

7. The gamejam theme is on display here. When the whistle sounds and the footsteps pound like a storm you know you are in for a real fight!

High marks given, great game

This was a cool experience but unfortunately it froze twice for me after i got the hitch hiker in the car


1. graphics are top notch. robot design was cute, i like his tongue sticking out

2. people get needy really fast, if someone wants water i gotta book it! Customers have no room for patience in this game and then on top of that need to keep the train running

3. this gave is very fun, fast and HECTIC

Shift to the left, shift to the right, cha cha real smooth!

1. I had no idea how to predict shifting, i just hit buttons randomly lol

2. I was able to shield forever with only costing a turn but no real detriment so i just did that and plowed through the enemies

3. I could see there wa sa guide telling me what was coming up and I was able to decipher it mostly by the end except the storm shifting

4. storms gave me more damage and fires let me heal

5. I went for quite a bit and encountered some knights, with my maxxed out shield no one could touch me mwahhaha

Swedish Fishes

1. I think I played this game for more than 30 minutes

2. the game is slow but engaging,  lot of fun and very soothing to play after a long day at work

3. the graphics are steller, they are simple but convey a lot of meeting, the sound is good, the song good and calming but become  monotonous after playing for so long

4. at first it's a struggle to catch yellow fish, as you progress however and want to go deeper you actually need to actively AVOID yellow fish as well as greys and pinks. This is a ton of fun how quickly it switches from wanting one fish to avoiding it competely after you upgrade. I think I caught more yellow fish when I was trying to avoid them then I did when I was actually trying to catch them

5. As the storm draws in you get an early chance to catch greys and pinks, this is a cool trade off for staying longer to get these fish. However there is no real punishment in the game, getting hit by lightning even with no health upgrades doesnt do much and damage is not permanent either, I think having the player pay to repair might add an extra dimension of risk/reward this game needs, right now theres only reward, little risk

6. I was so excited to see the big orange fish at the bottom, it felt worth it to finally get there. However with these fish I often encountered a bug , I would try to catch them and it would just disappear off my hook and my fish storage didnt increase so i know it wasnt caught, is there a catching mechanic i wasnt aware of to keep them on the hook? do i need to press a button ? other fish sometimes disappeared from my hook too, but it really stung when it was a lvoely big orange one!

7. I was even MORE excited when I saw Marlins at the bottom, I tried for 10 minutes to catch one, but I could, its very difficult, you need to be able to go straight down with your hook without any deviation. The best time to do it is first cast of the day when theres no other fish in the sea, if you miss its just too difficult on any other cast to get down there. At the end I never did catch sad

Great game, I gave it high marks, keep jamming

(2 edits)

Monster Mash!

1. incredible innovative game

2. I was a little confused at first and thought it was bugging out, I couldn't place my second building, and when you try to press on the cards in hand with your held building it places buildings there haha. Soon i realized you place the buildings onto existing paths

3. the path system works seemlessly its very innovative and very fun to keep building and expanding

4. keeping monsters healthy is tough, you really need a lot of coins for reshuffles and i find buying anything with coins early on is really detrimental. Maybe its because I started with 3 monsters on a path in a game, which is too hard to maintain, instead of two

5. The idea of color draining out of monsters to lose health is a very clever idea

6. theres a lot of replayability here, do any of the mosnters do anything differently at all?

7. I really wanted to play this in full screen but a lot of the game gets cut off when I do, is this an issue on your end as well

8. also wish there was some visual feed back when you do a reshuffle, or a shuffling noise

9. I forgot to mention the art, the 'drawn' style is amazing

I gave this game high marks, very great, keep jamming!

The music is funky like Persona!

I want some more interspersed sections with the ship combat

Dialogue was fun, but no one says "BTW" like that in real life hahah

I enjoyed telling the people I met that we were all going to blow up

I didnt get to hit anyone with my crowbar what was that for?is there someone I can fight

what's the ending, i gotta know, i hit the teal text with no finale, i must know the ending!

The funkiest game yet!

1. Music was FUNKY!

2. loved the movement idea, you have spinning orbs that cant touch the sides, it determines when you can pass through the way forward

3. you can decide to get the bonuses in the level or finsi hearly if its too tricky for the player

4. once again the music is FUNKY!

5. Great art style, lots of funky colorful waves for walls and a clean polished look but things are a bit zoomed out. I wish it was a bit closer so i could see the details

awesome game keep jammin

a comfy farm game in the rain, i got hit by lightning!

fun to grow crops, some of them have different speeds for growing

why do i need to water crops if it's raining...hmmmm

Game looks creative and interesting but I kind of got lsot on why I was approving and denying applications.

The door is also really tiny

"I live above a bowling alley and below another bowling alley"

1. Awesome animations on all the buildings, giant bowling balls, cannons, the hotel stomper is great

2. Presentation is amazing, but I found it difficult, no matter what defense i had little squares could make it to my heart anyway

3. double layer building was cool, would love to see how high it could get, I dont know if it can go above that, my game experience a huge amount of slowdown with the rain fall and crashed/i lost after 5-7 levels

love the idea and intention of this one, keep jaming!

Family Fued

1. I LOVE the graphics, GBA style feux-3d is one of my favorite styles, I must know how you did these sprites! They look fantastic. Beyond just the looks the characters a very evocative and have good designs

2. Gameplay was both fun, frantic and very funny! All the gags were great

3. The father is supposed to be talking a lot as his 'annoying feature' but it just looks like a big white stretching box, there should be something written in there or a fake alphabet in there to convey speach

This is good enough to sell on Steam


I think this might be the coolest tower defense I've played so far for this jam?

1. Innovative take on tower defense, scroll through plants, dig, plant and water and sprout

2. the simple graphics lend well, everything pops on screen so you know where enemies and plants are and where to refill your resources

3. the plants are all fun and unique and have fantastic animations. The cactus spins, the dandelion shoots a barrage of petals(?, what those white things are, seeds? i dunno)

4. enemies are all colorful and full of expression

5. game is polished in presentation

6. the slowdown was huge, at some point i had too many dandelions and they slowed the game to a crawl i couldnt continue, maybe reduce their particle amount? Anyway its just my assumption it's the cause of the slowdown, could have been something else

keep jamming!

Nice defense game, I was blown away by all the different options for tower upgrades, you really packed in a lot of variety with those , loved hitting fast forward to speed through levels!

for that you need to spec exactly the skills required to get the tutorial popup to go away.

the skills required are the Sword, Fire skill in the Staff tree, and then the Enchant skill which is on the upper right of the Staff tree, this turns your Fire into an Enchant fire skill

Thanks for playing, the tutorial on how to beat the beetle king is in the comments on the game page, step by step instructions haha

Our teams' game, please check it out :)

Check out my teams'!

Leave a comment too, so I know to check your game out :)

I've bookmarked your game to download for when I'm on my PC

Here is our teams' game

awesome thanks, your game is added to my PC download bookmark list, I'll get to it as soon as I can

Here is my teams' game, leave a comment on the rate page as well and I'll find your game to rate

Here is my teams' game, leave a comment on the rate page and I'll be sure to get to rating yours as well after work !

Storming the Castle

1. Building mechanic + fighting mechanic is cool

2. Fun to build during the calm phase to prepare for the fight phase

3. Getting storm power is awesome, you become really powerful!

4. Game is tough, my barracks dude didn't do too much, Storm power is the way to go , I'm not sure how many temple buildings I really need

5. Controls could use a little improvement felt a bit stiff, the main weapon has range, but then you lose the range at Storm power time, I want more range for my attacks :)

Lots going on in this game, great work!

Trying yours out now!

Here is my teams game!

Very fun platform, the wind builds up and so do your abilities to meet the new challenges. I like the tutorial text in the background, but often it was misplaced and out of view so i couldnt fully read it all

The level dessign is good and there are a lot of fun jumps to do

The keys you assigned for controls should be closer together, shift and space are far apart and difficult to use together on some keyboards, try a combination of keys closer to each other

I'm always looking for a cookie!

Rate ours and I'll rate back :)

Here is our teams game, enjoy!

Leave a rate and i will comment and rate back when im on my PC to downlaod your game

here is my teams game, enjoy!

Leave a rate and I will comment and rate back

here is my teams' game, enjoy!

Leave a rate and I will back, here is our teams game

Check out my teams' game, enjoy!

I can't find your game?

Here is my teams