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Cool game!

  • Nice intro scene and music to set the ambience.
  • Would be good to have an option to skip intro.
  • Game music is good!
  • Retry Level doesn’t seem to work on mouse.
  • Took me a while to notice the health indicators on the right.
  • Got upto the second level. The improved attack here was really overpowering the enemies. Combined with high speed running I was just zooming straight ahead spamming attack 1. It was the insta-kill block that got me finally.
  • The visuals are pretty dark. I felt the objects should be more clearly visible.
  • There's some semi-transparent barriers which I can't get through, but the enemies seem to be coming at me though.
  • The game hits the spot in terms of feel. The adrenaline of speed running, evading or destroying enemies, jumping over obstacles was captured really well.

Good job overall :)


This feedback is awesome. Very much appreciated. 
Sounds like some of the enemies have been a bit sneaky and slipped behind the walls :) I agree with the weapons too, maybe the first gun needs beefing up a bit?  And some added lighting is needed.
When I update the game after the jam I'll be taking notes from this. Big thank you!