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A member registered Nov 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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This is helpful. Thanks!

Played through to the end. Really liked the overall feel of the game. The characters were detailed well, the artwork is good, and the music is pleasant. The changes in character expression and pose at key moments was well done. The main character is very much relatable, and the backstory sets a good motivation. You've also done well to setup the tension between earning money and recommending a procedure wrongly.

From a gameplay point of view, I concur with the review below. What actually happens in the game if you suggest a procedure when it shouldn't? I liked the part where you talk to the client post the procedure (I spoke to Ocean). So maybe here's where something will happen if the client wasn't happy or they regretted it?

Overall this seems to be a good base to build upon. All the best!

Thanks for playing and glad you found it fun! Appreciate the detailed feedback.

I'll check for a potential bug with the tutorial (buttons not showing up first time). Good to know the tutorial did the job. I do plan to add difficulty levels. So far the plan was only to add easier levels, but now there's motivation to add more difficult ones too :)

Will work on the color scheme as well.

Thanks again for the thoughtful suggestions. Cheers!

Thanks for the feedback!

I will work on smoothing the difficulty by adding some levels. Will consider adding icons on the cards as well.

Agreed that the tower may not be very intuitive for finish. As for the Start, I have added a Home icon now. Will see if there are icons that fit these better.


Nice and interesting game. I like how you've linked this game to a graph concept. The attack animation although a bit simple, is quite effective. The particle effects are really good.

From a UX point of view, some change to the player movement would be good. Right now the player just follows the mouse, which is a bit unnatural and unintended. For example, if I want to move my mouse out of the screen or to the "Back" or "I'm stuck" buttons, the player shouldn't follow. You can make the player go to the last clicked mouse location, for example. This does mean the player can't directly navigate to the adjacent room. But you could add doors/portals in each of the rooms that cause a navigation to the adjacent room. Anyway the navigation is by room and not a continuous space.

A better indication of where I am on the map (or minimap) would help. Higher contrast, or special icon, etc.

With regards to your question, I appreciate the linking to a mathematical concept, but I didn't fully understand the link while playing the game, and wasn't actively thinking about it while going about trying to solve the game. Kudos on making a full game with the concept: it is a hard thing to do.

This is a nice game. Played thrice and got beaten all three times. But possibly survived longer each time.

A tutorial would help this game a lot. The voiceover that informs you a particular resource is not available to build was very helpful.

I liked the concept of no control. I've played a fair share of RTS, and don't really enjoy the unit micromanagement, especially past the early game, where there are a lot of units. So the no control could be a good thing. You could consider a "low control" rather than a "no control". I understand you want to differentiate from a standard RTS. Something simple like "unit stance" would make a lot of difference. This is also present in full RTS games by the way. Something like "defensive" stance would enable my buggies to stay at base for defense, or until I can amass several of them, change stance to "attack", and send them off, etc.

Maybe a bug: Somehow the construction bot that I built doesn't seem to do anything. (The one that's already there does all the work.)

I felt each time that the enemy rushed me very early, and I could do my best to barely hold on. Some "defensive" buggies would have helped a lot here. Or you could consider changing the economy in some way to make early attack difficult or infeasible. You don't have to cut off rushing altogether from the game. I gather that is a viable strategy in RTS games. But right now rushing feels too dominating over anything else.

Regarding your questions above:

1. Tutorial first, then units.
2. My opinion is it's important to get the single player experience right, before going into multiplayer. Again, not to deter you from building the multiplayer. Just a slight leaning rather than a strong preference for this.

Thanks for the feedback!

I'll work on a level system to smooth out the difficulty curve.

Regarding the icons, are you suggesting having this "crossed bag" etc. in addition to the current cell icon, or replace the current icon with something like this? Some cells would have multiple effects though, so that would have to be handled as well. I'll consider this for sure.


Thanks for playing and appreciate the detailed response!

Level system makes sense. I'll work on that in future versions.

Agreed that it's difficult to keep track of resources. Not sure what you mean by visualizing the effect of equipment, etc. But yeah, showing some preview of what will happen if you move to a particular cell would be useful. In some cases there's randomness to it, e.g. you don't know whether you'll get energy or gold, etc. Moves left is also a good idea. Thanks again for the helpful suggestions.

(1 edit)

Nice game. I liked the drop down system, where the choice of drop column also affects the next number to drop.

I thing the core matching mechanic can be figured out with some trial and error. But I had some difficulty understanding what the floating was about. It seems to affect only the 1's, as far as I could tell. And I couldn't tell when the floating bar would rise, etc.

Regarding making it more understandable, I'm not sure of any other way in the game itself; some tutorial may help though, especially for the floating.

Well done overall!

I think some mention of stamina would be good.

Regarding the crash, I'm inclined to think it was some bug rather than a general performance issue, since it crashed at the exact same place twice, and other than that it was smooth. The machine config is decent I would think: Firefox/MacOS Sonoma 14.5/16GB RAM/8CPU/10GPU.

Anyway, I tried the Mac desktop version, and it works fine. So with the Wizard the game gets even better :) Lots of nice combos here. I'm right now at some Wizard level with 3 abilities.

Well done overall!

Nice game with a lot of potential. I liked the rope and knockback, which work well with pushing. I could infer how stamina and turn worked, but some explanation would have been helpful. Same for knockback range, enemy types, etc. The level progression was certainly good until the mine level, where it suddenly became very difficult. Smoothing this out would help.

Regarding the progression, one question is whether you intend to continue this as a puzzle platformer game with fixed set of levels, or as a tactical game with randomized enemies, objects, etc. This will determine the nature of the levels, restart mechanics, permadeath, etc. The core game mechanics would work both ways, but the enemies, mines, stamina etc. feel more suited to a randomized tactical game.

When I died in the mine level the game kept looping, with the enemies moving around until I restarted. In the portal level my browser simply crashed each time I tried to use a portal.

Good graphics and audio. Overall this is very neat. All the best!

Fun game. Good level of polish on this! Really liked the simplicity, with the one button control. I felt the game became a little repetitive after a while. Introducing more star types would be nice. Bombs to avoid might keep the players on their toes, with some lives. Overall this is a good base to build on. All the best!

Nice game. The music is good. The click to move works sometimes but not always. Also when I press the middle button it shoots, but also tries to lock into a scroll mode. I cleared the first level, but somehow I wasn't able to pick up the key, even after going into the cell with the key. The "shoot in the last moved direction" is interesting. With the controls sorted out this would be more fun. All the best!

This model worked. Not sure what the problem was earlier. Drag and drop is neat. Nice tool overall!

This looks pretty cool. I haven't used any 3D models earlier though. I guess this tool would be useful to preview models in general, even if one is not using Godot. Tried out the web version, and somehow the models are not getting displayed when I drag and drop. There's some processing that takes place, after which the view is still empty. Just found some models on Free3d. Do you have some simple reference model, etc. to try out?

I see. I guess what confused me was if the next tool used is Freehand, then the spray remains on canvas, but if any other tool is used, the spray set vanishes.

(1 edit)

A neat and simple drawing tool. Does the job! Maybe allow the user to start on mouse click as well. Also being able to resize the window would be useful. Good work!

Nice! Would have liked the sessions to be a bit longer. Reminded me of the Dr. Sbaitso DOS program I had way back.

Nice plugin. Was able to get it working soon enough. Adding a callable and providing values for the arguments was easy. Recognizing the argument types makes it very easy to enter the values (int vs vec2, for example). Would be nice to show the function argument names in the inspector, if possible. One behaviour I noticed was if a function argument name changes, the callable gets reset with a "Function Missing", and the functions and arguments need to be entered again. Is that intentional, for eg, to avoid any mistakes, etc? Re-ordering the callable sequence is a useful feature. Neat work overall!

Thanks! The feedback is quite encouraging. I haven't used a lot of such tools, so it's good to know you liked the deck mechanics. I'll keep the minimalism in mind as I continue to work on the tool. Looking forward to feedback and support from you and the community to take this forward.

Thanks! Encouraging to know you liked the design. Save is needed for sure. Ran out of time to implement it. Will add it in future.

Haha! This was good fun! Loved the Fake Apology generator. The Bad-RNG was nice as well.

Nice tool. Not sure where I'd use it right now, but it works well! The new points get appended to the top of the table in the tool itself, which I didn't expect. In the exported JSON the points are in the order they were generated. You could consider adding some dots on the image where the points have been clicked, and if you like, some further linking of the dots with the rows in the table would be cool. Eg: Serial numbers, or hover effects on the points and table, etc. Well done!

Good work! The layout is neat, and the tool works as expected. For the task items, you could consider having the check box, title, and delete button in the same line? The customization options are neat as well. So if I want just a task list I can hide the title and description. Well done overall!

Some fun game ideas here! Nice visual effects. Striking off a trait before clicking on it to change is a nice touch. Neat overall!

Thank you!


Nice tool, with really good artwork! Character generator in particular is well detailed, and individual trait rerolls are a useful feature.

Thanks for the feedback! Would definitely like to check out your submission as well, if you happen to make a Web or Mac build sometime.

This is a nice generator. I like how you've mixed randomization with some constraints. I don't play a lot of TTRPGs, so not sure how the structuring or connections between the rooms works. Is this something implicit or external to this tool? Or maybe something you could consider adding in a future version? Good work on this!

Nice drawing tool. Liked the draggable UI box and the save/load system. Would be nice to hold the current drawing tool selection, so one can draw multiple rectangles, circles etc. The spray seems to vanish from the canvas if the immediate next drawing is a rectangle, circle, line, or polygon. Neat overall!

(1 edit)

Good work! I haven't played Solo D&D as such. But I liked the Prophetic Dream generator. This one can be expanded further to add variety I guess. The descriptions in the Grocery Store were very detailed. You could consider adding a reroll/refresh button on the generators. All the best with this!

Thanks for trying it out, and glad you like it! Do let me know if you have further requirements from the tool.

(3 edits)

Nice game. Collecting resources and crafting system was fun. The main goal was missing, but given the crafting and mention of the score the natural push is towards crafting an automaton. (Which I managed after a few tries, getting a score of 216.) Coal is a very constrained resource, as it's also used for moving. There was very little margin for error in optimizing movement and saving coal so that you can build an automaton. You can consider having smaller objects to craft that give the player some advantage immediately (higher speed, lower coal consumption, etc.). Right now the game loop is collect all resources, get to the nearest forge, and then craft. You could also show all resources and items in the top bar. basically flatten out the inventory grid into one row and put it there. Right now it's only distance covered and coal, and I'm not sure why the total distance matters. Overall this is great for a jam, and the core game system is good. With some tweaks this will be more fun to play. All the best!

(1 edit)

Fun and polished game! The core idea is really good. Jumping from point to point with a speed bar of some sort chasing you. A limit on connection length that is well designed (not to mention the great feedback in visual and sound when you try to jump too far!). Loved the fact that the levels are randomized, so it's a little different each time. Played about 10 times and got a high score of 50. That maybe more to do with my low skill. The target player for this would get higher I guess.

With respect to your comment on similarity in our titles, I guess the jam is so large, and there have been some exact collisions as well, atleast these are a letter off :) But well, the finding a path and randomized levels are similar too, with a different type of challenge, of course. I guess there's more for me to learn form your game in terms of progression and polish.

Overall this is a great entry, and wish you the best for the game!

Sure pathfinding is something you can improve on in future. With respect to components meshing together, if it's options that can be picked by the player to some extent, it would still work. For eg, I don't enjoy painting so much, but sculpting I'm ok with. So it's not a dealbreaker as long as the game doesn't force me to forge paintings.

Smaller map size definitely makes sense, atleast to introduce the mechanics in a tutorial of some sort. Glad you had fun with the game. Your feedback is certainly encouraging. Thanks!

I'll work on a tutorial. Thanks!

Thanks for the feedback! I'll work on the styling in future.

(1 edit)

Good game. Liked the core mechanic of combining blocks into any shape after heating them. Felt like a real forge. The level progression was good, atleast until the rent part started :) In terms of controls, moving the pieces around was simple enough. But scrolling the wheel while holding down the left mouse button was not the easiest of maneuvers. Actually in the first level I thought I had to bring pieces into the right orientation to get it accepted, but learned later that it was not required. Good music and suitable art. Well done overall!