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Producer Life

A member registered May 21, 2024 · View creator page →

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Quite a fun concept, entertaining to watch them all crash about.

Clever idea, had fun but the shield is too overpowered!

Really awesome work, I went exploring and was glad to see some enemies.

Feels good running around as the ant!

Nice game, would be great to be able to rotate the blocks.

I really like the style of this, had some old flash game vibes. Needed another go once i knew what i was doing :)

Nice game, got a cute style. I didn't really need to hide in the tent but enjoyed running around and tending to the crops. It didn't feel tedious either, i felt like i was always doing something.

Nice idea with the power ups and the cloud fights are fun!

:D I think there's a bit of RNG with the block spawns making some runs more difficult than others. I wanted to have more feedback with the normal walls, they were supposed to knock your speed down so they were more of a punishment to anyone going for a time-attack.
Certainly to be improved after the jam. Cheers :)

Thanks for giving it a good play, I probably should have started off more like the second level.  Good luck in the jam!

Thank you very much :)

Yeah I'm not sure what changes you're allowed to make after the submission period, so I'm playing it safe :)
Will certainly be fixing those bits after the jam. There's a few bugs like the "restart level" that slipped past me - well that sucks! Thanks for letting me know so I can iron them out after the jam!
I think the spikes are being caused by shaders, once they're cached they seem to work a lot better or with no issues :)  

Yay, number 20! Thanks for playing. I'm actually a music producer by trade ;) started game dev a couple of years ago. Means a lot to me that you love the tunes. I probs will get them out there, at least on soundcloud, youtube etc.. :) Awesome feedback, many thanks!!

Thank you so much! I'm getting a lot of positive feedback so i think I will be continuing forwards with this project.  I've already been sent a couple of 'best times' for the trials  by players. So I think I'll be adding a leaderboard after the jam! Really glad you enjoyed it :)

Thanks for playing! Yes the second weapon steps it up a bit! I didn't get to add all the lighting I would have liked to. It's on the todo list for after the jam :) Cheers!

I had to drag myself away, great work!

Such nice vibes and style. Those acorns come in like meteors!

Nice little game!

Great work, blasting away with the gun is fun, cool ideas with the items like the berries.

As a cat owner this game  gets a paws up from me!

Bit tricky at first but a lovely game overall, cute style :)

This game kept me playing, it's really good fun. I love how it evolves as you get more pieces, feels really polished too.

Really good fun!

Fun idea and enjoyed playing it! When everything drops down at the end of the storm it reminded of a certain classic game ;)

This is different and creative. I only got to play the maze game, not sure if there were others.

Some lovely artwork :)

Lovely warm lighting, and a lot of attention to detail, really good work :)

Really fun idea. Somewhat satisfying throwing things at customers but it didn't take too long before they called the manager out!

Done a cracking job with this. really well rounded game!

Funny little game, had me smiling :D

Dashing around was really fun! Good stuff :)

Great combination of game mechanics, kinda cool buzzing around and building up your team. The art style really stands out too. Good job!

That's great, glad you had fun! In the future, I'll certainly be adding more lighting. It'll go well with the vibes of the music. Get a rave started!

Thanks for giving it a go Hee-Hoo!

This feedback is awesome. Very much appreciated. 
Sounds like some of the enemies have been a bit sneaky and slipped behind the walls :) I agree with the weapons too, maybe the first gun needs beefing up a bit?  And some added lighting is needed.
When I update the game after the jam I'll be taking notes from this. Big thank you!

Thank you so much, glad you liked the tunes!

Thank you so much :)

You did a great job with the atmosphere and that enemy!

Well done on your first unity game!

Unique game and a lot of fun :)