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Usually I'm not too crazy about text adventures, especially game jam text adventures, It often feels like you have to read someone elses unpublished novel without doing anything, which is not really the vibe for a game jam. But honestly with this one, there was enough gameplay/choices that I did feel engaged enough to read what was happening.

I was actually pleasantly surprised by the ending, it was nice that it didn't end in world ending storms. But that the people were allowed to rebuild. 

My one point of critique is that I didn't actually have to change up my strategy all that much, I could mainly just go 4 -> food, 2 to maintaining, 4 to building supplies. which basically held me steady the whole way through.

Other than that nitpick, it was well done and well executed.


Thanks for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it. 
Yeah you're totally right, text based games like this in a jam isn't usually wise :P. Bit of a bold decision for me :D, but got me to explore doing something different in the time I had.
totally right about the balance, it's far to easy :P. I'm looking into how some other similier ish genre games work, and seeing if that's something I want to continue to explore.

Thanks for playing and rating!