Uhm yeah i'm pretty sure i enjoyed it..? Weird question there my friend.
I actually did play the game 3 times to try to understand the placement logic, and each time the villagers placed the buildings differently. It also allowed me to try different strategies with the balancing of money to give a more useful review on something that hadn't already been said. In the end i even found the best tactic for me was to not bother with attacks during the first round to instead build leaves maker so i have a lot of money in the next rounds to use all the different powers.
The other thing i had to understand is that Poseidon is the one actually building the powers, so he needs time to actually get to the power location and build it once you place it . That's why you can't place things 2s before the storm otherwise it will just not be ready and you won't get a refund, hence my review.
It's definitely not a predetermined sequence, and the villagers have a random AI on the placement of their building that actually allows a replay that's not the exact same game. They don't just replay the same sequence rounds after rounds and place the building at the same locations each time.
Sure it doesn't have the replayability as a fully released game once you get the tactic but like... it's a game jam. I'm happy that i can even play twice (and here even more) and not feel like i'm going through the same exact sequence, which is not always the case with jam games.
Calling it an illusion of a game is quite the choice of terms, and i find it really harsh to use this expression to describe this project. It's actually one of the few games that i could remember quite easily in details without even looking at the game page.
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I think it's because it's my mistake actually, I should play it again and check it, I think I might know now what I may have done wrong.
The real mistake I also made is I usually skip rating games if I suspect I might have overlooked something. Instead I accidentally assigned a rating to this specific game. Since the rating cannot be removed, right now I want to play the game again as soon as possible and correct my rating as soon as I can.
I think you are right as well, I may consider to check more carefully next time on some specific kinds of games where for some reason I may be more likely to overlook and think something else is going on than actually is, thank you for pointing it out and I may check on improving about this.