Uhm yeah i'm pretty sure i enjoyed it..? Weird question there my friend.
I actually did play the game 3 times to try to understand the placement logic, and each time the villagers placed the buildings differently. It also allowed me to try different strategies with the balancing of money to give a more useful review on something that hadn't already been said. In the end i even found the best tactic for me was to not bother with attacks during the first round to instead build leaves maker so i have a lot of money in the next rounds to use all the different powers.
The other thing i had to understand is that Poseidon is the one actually building the powers, so he needs time to actually get to the power location and build it once you place it . That's why you can't place things 2s before the storm otherwise it will just not be ready and you won't get a refund, hence my review.
It's definitely not a predetermined sequence, and the villagers have a random AI on the placement of their building that actually allows a replay that's not the exact same game. They don't just replay the same sequence rounds after rounds and place the building at the same locations each time.
Sure it doesn't have the replayability as a fully released game once you get the tactic but like... it's a game jam. I'm happy that i can even play twice (and here even more) and not feel like i'm going through the same exact sequence, which is not always the case with jam games.
Calling it an illusion of a game is quite the choice of terms, and i find it really harsh to use this expression to describe this project. It's actually one of the few games that i could remember quite easily in details without even looking at the game page.
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Damn the first storm jumpscared me, i was close to the cloud hahaha
Pretty good game ! I had more troubles than expected getting on the top platform because i kept releasing my jump button earlier than needed, but once i got that going it went well ! Nice job :)
(Also got a high score of 64, don't know how well that is haha)
I really enjoyed it ! I don't get all the logic behind how you can or cannot place certains objects on certain parts of the grid but it's fun to unleash Poseidon's wrath on these peasants ! Kinda wish i could get a refund on the constructions interrupted by the start of the storms though.
Great work !
I had a reaaaal hard time with the controls because my brain may not process them correctly BUT the game is great ! It feels satisfying and the atmosphere is really cool ! I know you went for this really clean silhouette look but i wish the objectives had been a bit more outlined rather than the big arrows on top of them so that you know exactly what you should be shooting at. But nonetheless great work !
Well the mole might have a crystal but this game is a pure gem ! Everything is polished to a professional level that is astounding considering it was only made in a week, this is so good ! From the bounciness of the character to the superb graphics and screen shakes on hit, everything just feels so satisfying to play ! I can hardly find anything to complain about right now so... Congratulations, this is a masterpiece !
The game is so fun and so polished (no pun intended), but the time management has to be very very precise in order to try to keep up with the invaders ! I got to 9 ennemies and put one last soldier to protect the village but he got one shot. Guess i rushed his sword too much because i was panicking a bit !
Overall a very nice game : the concept is simple to understand and the atmosphere is cozy ! Good job !
Well done ! I do wish the ennemies also had a circle beneath them to be able to see them more in the grass but the game feels nice ! Some background music would also have been a good addition for the atmosphere.
I felt so powerful when i bought my first gunner and it lasted a while until i got a breach in my defense and got swarmed from everywhere :')
Good job and congrats on completing your project !
I really like this combat system, but it's really missing some tooltip to know what each of your competence can do ! I thought i hit jackpot with the cricket song until i realized it was some kind of debuff but even then i wasn't really sure what it did :o
The art is really cool tho, nice game you got there :)
I see 0 calm in this but it doesn't matter because... GET OUT OF MY WAY I STILL NEED 2 CHICKENS AND SOME TOMATOES ! No but for real the game is really fun, and i really had a blast playing it IF IT WASN'T FOR THOSE PESKY CUSTOMERS WHO REFUSE TO LET ME GET TO THE VEGETABLES AISLE ! MOVE PEASANTS !
In all seriousness, great job !
The graphics are really nice ! The view with the lighthouse lighting the waters just blew my mind, it's really a gorgeous piece of art !
I also really like the concept of the game ! Love the idea of managing merchant ships to make a profit while getting yourself ready for the storm ! The boat speed and selection could be improved, and it would be nice to actually see how much any of the item are selling or bought for, but the idea is there and the atmosphere is quite great !
Great job !
Neat ! The camera was a bit difficult to use in the second phase as it moves along your cursor while you try to aim the village and i also don't really understand how the first phase matters in the second one to be honest... :o
But i enjoyed it and it was fun to burn this village to the ground ! The trumpets/horns in the second phase also made me laugh i didn't expect them at all !
I realized way too late that i could actually recruit other dogs and sheep ! I only had another dog at the start of the final night but i managed to keep my black ship alive by scaring it away while biting the wolves. I like the idea of pushing the wolves' objective at the same time as damaging them. The dog i recruited seemed quite efficient and useful too ! Nice job !
Everything feels really clean and polished ! The graphics look great, the music has the right mood for this kind of "survive against all odds" type of gameplay but still has a cosy neat sound to it. I just wish i knew how to get rid of those damn ruins to build all over again !
Overall this game is a gem ! Congratulations !
Solid game ! The island is beautiful, the music is groovy and the animations have a lot of character ! I'm especially a fan of the mermaids and their creepy-derpy-eerily-menacing face ! I just wish i could go through the shallow waters especially on the top part of the island the the bottom right so the arena would loop on itself.
Great job to you all !
Interesting game ! I must say i'm really not the target audience but once i was in the loop i wanted to see if i could reach the end of the game, even if that meant paying a bit less attention to the plot. (I'm really not a reader sorry haha)
The choices during the storms are sometimes challenging enough morally but also strategically as you need to take in count your ressources and i sometimes underestimated the "extra damage" to the shelter ! But i managed to reach an ending !
I actually tested it before the jam ended and wanted to try again to see if the build was different because i didn't want to miss any last minute change ! (Also i'm glad i did because that way i could enjoy the particles which were not rendering in the WebGL)
I didn't find the secret tunnel but i guess it just sounds like a reason to do a 3rd playthrough haha