I think you call it now sea creature.
Also, drawing gacha cards does not update the token counter.
Why is one card called "Female Human TF"? Is there a male version? I would have expected just "Human TF".
Also you call one card Siren TF instead Mermaid TF.
Wrong counter in quest:
Fixed them now as well.
Its the raritiy of the cards. R is just short for Rare, SR for Super Rare and so on. The frames of the cards show which raritiy they belong too.
It should be under the normal type skills. Usable in any form. I can see it in my skills. Will check on that in more detail later.
Thanks and yes I found a few more, I will look through all of them just to be safe.
It's: "If it's not too much of a trouble, would you mind letting me study them as well once you are done?"
It should be under key items. I definitely used it when testing the quest so it shouldn't been broken but I will check later just in case.
Yes already got reported and fixed, it seemed to be the fragment from the second dungeon with the time travel. Inteacting with a safe in 0.9 will also set that right.
Its the raritiy of the cards. R is just short for Rare, SR for Super Rare and so on. The frames of the cards show which raritiy they belong too.
What's LR?
It should be under the normal type skills. Usable in any form. I can see it in my skills. Will check on that in more detail later.
It should be under key items. I definitely used it when testing the quest so it shouldn't been broken but I will check later just in case.
Found them now. Must have been blind.
Found other mistakes:
Depends on "You grant" or "This grants":
Not sure what triggers it, but this is the second (now third) time a fight (using Anubis) against mob restarts and the skills are reset to the state as the first fight. As is the remembered selected skill. Possibly the hp, too. Only the gained level persists. I don't press any button, in case this is the mysterious re-fight.
Project Ultimate Damage does inflict damage on its bearer without telling its origin and last in the order vs. first. Also, it seems that healing effects effects don't reduce the damage. It also doesn't affect the Judgment count. Had it in the Anubis Demon fight (lasted 3 rounds after gaining access to Lufillia's Favor) and was forced to drink a healing potion (Life potion (M)) which officially healed me for about 900, but I went from 1 hp to nearly 1500. Must have been the items I have. Also, with this damage you need some way to heal with your party, or give it to the Phoenix members to ensure Death at longer fights. Though the Phoenix skills become progressively unusable for Nana as well. Not sure it is worth the hassle, didn't feel like I need it before.
Also, this Judgment stack is a problem like Blazing for Xia. I was literally unhurt by the demon before dropping its hp down to 50%. Had in the end 4 Judgment. I am in end game mode, with everything done to boost Nana, using possible the most powerful form immune to a number of damage sources and you require that I take damage? This simply doesn't work out.
I have no clue what the Ring of Transformations actually does. I never noticed anything as its source.
It happens in the norther fields. Otherwise I've updated my earlier post, since I didn't expect you to be that late about. Please look it over again, since I'm not sure what version you saw.
Scales of Judgment lack an effect. This could be a reduction of the max or easier increase of the stack.
For field ability, maybe kill monsters on the current map (not bosses) and gain XP shards? And/Or the drops (partially)? Not the normal XP for fighting? But could be useful for farming. Also no skills are leveled as well.
The Ring of Transformations could have the current effect displayed in the Transformation Guide?
This doesn't mention the physical rewards and the 4th list should be a separate item.
The Anubis Demon must be known at this point:
Thaks fixed all the spelling mistakes and read through the feedback, I will look into it.
The ring just does pretty much what it says, if worn and being not in human form it boost all stats by around 5% in battle.
"It happens in the norther fields. Otherwise I've updated my earlier post, since I didn't expect you to be that late about. Please look it over again, since I'm not sure what version you saw."
Sorry, I have absolutely no idea what you mean sorry. Double fights are normal in the northern plains.
Yes they still lack an effect, hadn't had time to make one yet. Will think about that, thanks!
That is a nice idea, something like an extra exp drop bonus. Sounds pretty fitting. Will think about that!
The fourth list is more of a secret bonus part, so that is intentional that it has no extra objective. And yeah a lot of quests don't list all rewards, often just the main reward.
Yeah i am aware of that bug, just takes a lot of time fixing it without breaking all save files, so I decide to not fix it in 0.9 to prevent save file incompatible. Should be fixed by 1.0 release.