Spoilers ahead.
A statue is unmoving for it was not designed to move
A statue is molded out of a material an image the creator envisioned
The creator becomes upset more and more with each inperfection noticed and is quickly to "fix it" until it finally cracks and becomes just a pile of rocks
But the creator is happy for the pile of rubble is his own reflection a broken mess.
The statue before and after cannot be recognized, they are two different entities, the first version of the statue let's call it a boulder has so many ways for it to express itself, it can be anything it wants to be but alas the pile of rubble is just the hubris of a man who couldn't accept the boulder who it was and now he is left with pebbles and he is happy
The fraudulent man in the statue ending who cannot accept no for an answer tears down the ai the same way he was torn up by his creators, his friends and acquaintances
All he has now is a flower that could have blossomed but all he is left now with a withered plant, he took the life away and now the flower cannot comprehend what it has lost
I appreciate the message at the end of the game and it left me wondering if the person who made this game has experienced a similar situation, inspiration has to come from somewhere.
Either way enjoyed the game
PS I didn't encounter any jumpscares as in silly monster screams at the top of his lungs and the guy on the facecam scares the viewers by fake screaming for entertainment