Another bug report:
When the boss in the Rehling mine hits your party members who are wearing anti-wargs with a fire spell, that should show "WEAKPOINT" and be scored as a weak point hit since both wargs and anti-wargs are weak against fire. If you do fix this, please remember that "WEAKPOINT" should not show or be scored against a party member who is not wearing an anti-warg or a warg when he is hit with a fire spell. Doing so can also make the boss look more dangerous due to making the boss look like the boss knows how to target your party's weak points.
The reason that I find this to be a bug is that when you attack opponents that have wargs or anti-wargs with fire, they take more damage due to story reasons making the wargs and anti-wargs vulnerable to fire, so if your party’s members are also burned, most should also take more damage due to usually wearing anti-wargs or wargs. If a party member is wearing neither, he or she should take normal damage from fire attacks, making him or her stronger than most of your party against fire attacks. Having most of your party take normal damage instead of enhanced damage from being burned contradicts the story.