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A member registered Apr 09, 2017

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A bit of advice, try reducing the cost of things you buy. The Chicken Nuggets could be 5 and the tea could be 10, but coffee is fine. Truth be told it is currently cheaper just to stock up on coffee and use first aid.

I think they need other uses. I am currently sitting on hundreds of them.

If it doesn't fit on one line, it goes past the screen.

I found that reset of the dungeons does not seem to work, the only options are skip and cancel.

Gonna be honest, the Addiction boss was way too strong. 1200 hp, massive debuffs thanks to addictions, and an attack that hits way too hard. My advice is to nerf it into the ground, it does NOT need to be anywhere near that strong.

Just a head's up, the game does not reuse ropes. I tried it, and it consumes them every time. Could you re-adjust your mod to account for it?

Turns out that the rope in the base game cannot be reused.

I remember downloading this long ago. I still play it every now and then. Good game then and still good now.