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That kinda makes the skill pointless. For a team of 4, that means that the MC will only be targeted at most 39% of the time. That is borderline worthless for a tank, who is expected to soak up between 60-90%. This is why Yangus was so bad in the origional Dragon Quest 8, since he was built as a tank but did not have effective tools tobe a tank. It is better to have the MC spamming items instead.
It is too powerful for a one turn cooldown. maybe if it didn't cause ignite, but as it is, it needs a 3 turn cooldown to make it remotely viable. Also, get rid of the free turn it provides, that is functionally making it like the boss gets two turns in one move. No matter how difficult you want a boss to be, they should follow similar rules to the player to give it a fair chance.
My advice is to limit how often it can use it's breath. I found that it activates instantly, too often (sometimes every turn), and provides the boss with an extra turn. It should only be used twice, once at half health remaining, and once at 1/4 remaining. I have been wasted by two turns where it spammed breath and tail swipe at the same time, every time.