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working on it now lol. i was trying. to open dl file without starting mobile vr. ill repply againwhen done thanks for quick reply

You should take a look at my file manager app ;-)

all good it on now  people should remember OPEN MOBILE VR BEFORE TRYING TO INSTALL LOL

few little glitches even on q3 like tried to open setting on q3 q2 and wont open something i guess to do with auto and shortcuts but ill play around with it

i can build pc,s just not great on software lol

dont make great difference to home but helps with games apps etc

but really helpfull on q3 can really see difference

worth the few quid

 ok no more vr today had enough lol

will post proper tests later and shout if i need help

but for now thanks


Yes, it seems evident to first get the apk and then use a file manager like mobile vr station or mine to install the app ;-D

There are some words about that under the official video, and I did the same this morning in the installation section. Cause yes this isn't the first time people tell they can't install QGO with mobile vr station... because they didn't download the apk first lol

Could you tell me more about the open settings ? This should work, I did some tests the past hour and had no issue when opening the settings app. 

Software are easy to handle only when we follow the explanations (and me the first). This is why I tried to put the maximum of explanations I could to help everyone.

You should see a difference in the Home environment cause the HD+ is running 2900x3038px versus 1680x1760px, so this is a huge upgrade.

If you have another questions, I'm here but you also can join the facebook, reddit and discord communities to find help ;-)

yes it does make a difference to q2 but you cant really tell that much because i guess the lens

i have ogc on aurto open etc on both q2 and q3

shortcuts to home apps games etc to open in better visuals

but when its running and i click meta menu button to see power etc

and you then click on it ( where it shows power etc it should open settings window istead of going through menus etc

( click menu button on right controller

then on menu bar that opens click on left hand option power etc )

but then it automatically reopens the window i have qgo

or if qgc closed it reopens it

i have to go into ogo  setting turn it off

then i can access the original setting of q2  q3

i have to go into original setting to see what power my controller have in them etc

in  qgo it shows poer in headset but not controller ?

little tweak there will help putting power leve of controller there to

and maybe allow a list showing what shortcuts you have so easy to delete or change

i did find also when making shorcuts it WILL create a shortcut after 30 seconds if you click on something

but i had to remove all shortcuts  again and again trying to fix this 

remember im new to this app as well lol

so trial and error at moment i dont go in vr all time though

but i wouls say showing power in headset and controller is a must

i like auto load at start saves messing around  ( i have the premium as well )

bit long winded this but hope it helps

i will be telling others about it as not heard about this this happend on a vid showing how to install etc


244K subscribers

here is the vid

i gotta say he did great job showing how to install bit by bit

i had it on headset as i did it using pause etc to do every step

dont know how to say thanks to him as cant comment on it

but install bit Complicated for newbies this vid help a lot

and got it done

hope all this helps if not leave me a reply and i will answer it



Hi, a little bit long and hard to read, but I think I understood all what you said.

- To define a shortcut (other than the fact you can pin QGO to the Meta taskbar (#solution 1 in QGO settings), click the button in #solution 2, and then you have 30sec to choose the app you want to use as a shortcut. Once it's done, when you open this app you defined as a shortcut, it will start QGO. So if you chose the Meta Quest Settings app, this will open QGO. This is a normal behavior ;-)

- I can't programmatically retrieve the controllers battery level. Anyway, you can play your controllers for days and days

- Glad to read you love the app, and don't forget to leave a rating with some stars, this is important for more visibility

- Yes BMFVR did a great job. I wanted to thank him but he never answered to me. Also, all you need to know is also in my official videos in explanation pages ;-)

yes great app

   yes i did shortcuts to main menu apps so they open as qgo they all work fine 

but in qgo i have to turn it off/stop auto load etc when i need to go back to quests setting say for controller power/add the bluetooth im using pods etc

also in qgo in the list of app it only shows apps it can change/has upgraded 

so you still have to go back to quests app menu to open ?? say meta tv or apps that are not in qgo

would be nice it qgo showed all games apps you have on quest even if it cant upgrade them lol

i know lot to ask but feedback is good for app lol

really i would like to use qgo instead of meta menu lol on everything (doubt that will happen)

also might be my problem ??  when qgo starts it keeps asking to debug network

i do click on always allow on this network but it still asks every time

any fix/ideas thanks

also passed this app info  onto few people inc #jaybratt  ( youtube )

as i get lot of quest info from jay

always testing out things



Hi, QGO shows all your apps including Meta apps and 2D apps. But Meta TV is missing. It will be there in the next QGO release ;-) I'm currently working on the next version with many new features :-)

"also might be my problem ??  when qgo starts it keeps asking to debug network"

=> QGO should only ask for wireless debugging once per device restart. I can open QGO 100 times and it will never ask me that except after you reboot you Quest.

Yes Jaybratt talked about QGO, I'm sometime chat with him on discord :-)

Have a good day :-) And don't forget to leave a rating with some starts on my page :-)

ok cheers 

yeh might be when i start qgo after starting headset ( im not heavy user of quest lol everyday twice i login into poker apps to build chips up (free ones ) lol

i  only have 1 paid for game The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners but not even used it yet lol plus qgo lol

ok looking foward to update



the more you can add/do so we have to use LESS META things the better

Want to see all what I added in QGO to make it better than Meta => 😜


just a little query

brother had quite a big stroke at xmas (he at home now)

so giving him my quest 2 to help him recover(movement . thinking etc etc

but noticed on my Q3  meta  MESSED UP AGAIN  lol

i have updated my q3 qgo

but was  getting ready to reset q2 and install QGO on it for brother

but wondered if i should wait to reset q2 and install qgo on it

till all these problems sorted

want it working fully before i give him it and set it up


and thanks for help when i 1st got QGO for myself for q3

Hell, good luck with your brother, VR is indeed a great way to recover motor and cognitive functions in certain cases :-)

I didn't understand the part with the Quest 2 ?

Can you rephrase ? Yes you can install QGO on Quest 2 even if you factory reset your Meta Quest 2 :-)


im not a big user of vr but i like it now and again lol

i have noticed in qgo that meta messe up apks etc 

and you were having probs fixing it/updating around the problem

meta says they fixed problem but lot of people since complaing about it

i did not want to reset q2 for brother and find i have problems with apk or installing qgo

i  guess i will have to buy it again (qgo ) to put on q2 as i have even made him his own meta account etc etc

but did want to start fresh with q2 and then find i can not fully install everything i need to put on it inc QGO

and free games so he can practice/learn how to use it


hope that makes it more clear lol


Hello, Meta broke installation and updates of apk files only on v74. If you are on v72, you are safe.

To install QGO, just take a look here :

QGO works on v74 but to install it on v74, you must install with sidequest

im in uk north west area

my q3 is on 72

but will q2 after reset and then full update go onto 74

as its a fresh install i cant control what it updates it to

i have on my quest3 susspended updated for moment

thats why i am asking should i wait till meta (if) meta fixes issues

i dont want to do fresh install on q2 and when it runs 1st update it goes to v74 then problems start

tried contacting meta total waste of time

You risk nothing. v74 is still on Beta test ;-)

ok thanks for your help

will start resetting it weekend

and next week go through qgo installation vids again lol

(need to remind myself how to do it again

then i will buy it and put it on the q2 for him



Installing QGO take 2min :-)