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Pinned ReplyAdmin (2 edits) (+6)

If you’re having issues with the business account requirement and you’re not located in the United States please reply here with the country your account is located in. I’m working with our PayPal rep to see if we can implement an alternate solution that doesn’t require a business account, but would only be available in some countries. I need to collect a list of countries where people have had issues. You don’t need to reply if I already have your country listed here: Brazil, Poland, Russia, Portugal, Germany

Yes! This will be awesome!


Could you please try again, we’ve heard that our account will now allow “casual sellers.” Report back here so we can keep track of what countries it works and doesn’t work for. Thanks

(3 edits)

Yes, it works - I had two options to choose - private and business account, ofcourse I choosed private and it is succesfully connected, thanks!

EDIT: I see there is a bug - I still see "Connect to Paypal" button in payment processors and when I click it, error appears:

"We had some trouble connecting your account You already have a PayPal account connected"


That issue has been fixed. Thanks


Same here in Germany. My games are free but users are allowed to grant me a donation. I wanted to reconnect now Paypal advised via the new method but Paypal wanted to force me to either create a separate business account or upgrade my own private account to a business account. I'm sorry but this is unacceptable. I don't have a business here and I can't found one just to get a few quid of donations which barely make me buy a coffee.


Could you please try again, we’ve heard that our account will now allow “casual sellers.” Report back here so we can keep track of what countries it works and doesn’t work for. Thanks


I confirm this is working for Germany. Upon connection request, I’ve been asked if I use the connection primarily for private or for business purposes. All fine, thanks a lot! 


PS: I think a few hobby-devs like me use the "Direct To You" feature solely to get a few donations, thus without any commercial intent. Which is fine in my country. Now when Paypal forces business accounts, I suggest you guys should consider alternatives, like implementing Ko-Fi for donation-based models. I actually thought that having a Ko-Fi integration here would be wonderful feature anyway.

Admin (1 edit) (+2)

As far as I know Ko-Fi is not a payment processor, but a platform like us that aggregates payment processors to give creators a way to get paid. I think we would only integrate with payment processors so creators get the lowest fees.


Feel free to add Portugal to said list.
An alternate solution would be most welcome!


Could you please try again, we’ve heard that our account will now allow “casual sellers.” Report back here so we can keep track of what countries it works and doesn’t work for. Thanks


Splendid, it works exactly as intended! No business account necessary. Thank you for your hard work on this!

(1 edit) (+3)

can you add Philippines to the list? we don't have a proper sole proprietorship system in place yet, (hell I cannot get my TIN number unless if I actually work for a company)


Could you please try again, we’ve heard that our account will now allow “casual sellers.” Report back here so we can keep track of what countries it works and doesn’t work for. Thanks

philippines - still asking if I want to convert to a business account


Thanks for following up. I don’t believe there’s anything we can do to allow you to use direct payments without a business account. You may want to consider switching to our payouts mode. We recently added Payoneer as a payout option on top of PayPal. More information about our payout modes here:



I'm from Argentina!


Could you please try again, we’ve heard that our account will now allow “casual sellers.” Report back here so we can keep track of what countries it works and doesn’t work for. Thanks


Apparently it works in Argentina.
