This one caught my eye immediately. The art and layout are excellent. It reminded me of Merry Mushmen products. The monster hunters/NPCs each stood out, especially with their evocative sobriquets. That is a nice touch that also makes them easier to run as a GM and easier to remember for players. My players would all want to go on a "guided herb safari," so I expect I'd have to prep that in advance. I'd love a couple example insults from Witlack, maybe just scrawled out next to the art piece. It might help for quick reference if the hex names were on the map as well as on their page reference. I hope to run this one at some point!
Thank you! I'm so happy with the positive response on Creeps!
Do not fear! The guided herb safari was there in the raw manuscript and will be back in the revised edition along with Witlack insult suggestions as well as a list of drugs PCs can buy from him, more locations in Blackfern Thicket, two more hexes and creeps!