Heh, I didn't think my post would be useful, but it's nice that I helped in some way. Well...
0. It's worth trying to put the game on Gamejolt. Maybe you'll get lucky there?
1. Yes, I meant the eyes...or, more specifically, "E Y E S"(«Г Л А З А»). You can not delete this entity, but give it a different role. For example, it may well disrupt the operation of tablets. Or simply disorient the player with some other actions.
2. It sounds good. I'll be waiting for the graphics settings.
3. Some fan games also use weapons. There is often given the freedom to use it (in terms of the camera) and several positions where the enemy can be located. Among the examples, I can recall the final segment of "Bubba's Diner", as well as the mechanics of the pistol from "SHERIFF" and "Original Location Pre-Alpha" (although there it was a way to find out about the presence of an enemy in the dark and it was impossible to move the weapon).
I'm not talking about the movement of the player, namely the camera. But as I understand it, you're already working with it, which is cool.
4. Regarding tablets... The tablet with cameras can be replaced with a "Contracker" (the same tablet from TF2) and make interference like there. And here are those two... You can combine them into one and make them either a PC (as in FNaH 3), or something like a console. Or stylize it as a dispencer, heh. And yes... It's actually not difficult to graphically depict the progress bars — it's worth making something like a charge bars from TF2 itself.
5. The lure can be implemented in many ways without resorting to animation. For example, it can be made a "backup option" — to make it so that it does not immediately drive away the enemy, causes glitches on the cameras and at the same time turns off the camera on which it is used. It would also play into the player's loss of control. A modified "Sentry Buster" with high difficulty would be well combined with such mechanics — in difficult moments the player would be forced to take a risk.
6. Mechanics with intelligence. It should either be removed or make downloading a more difficult task.
A short story at the beginning, on the contrary, is a plus and adds mystery to what is happening.
I hope that I wrote everything correctly and was able to convey my thoughts and ideas.