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A topic by Lefty «Gray» Sonic created Oct 09, 2024 Views: 109 Replies: 6
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Я знаю, что стоило бы писать на английском языке, но мне так будет сложнее передать свои мысли.

Игра вышла очень любопытной и действительно напоминает "CTI", немного "Five Nights at Heavy" и "Twilight Nightwatch". Мне очень понравилась сама концепция игры, похожая на концепцию "FNaH 3"(которая так и не вышла), но нынешняя реализация...пока весьма слабая.

Что нравится:

-Система с выбором наемника: Дает повышенную реиграбельность.

-Выбор противника: Тоже любопытная идея.

-Сочетание ночных игровых механик: Оно вроде простое, но работает неплохо.

-Атмосфера: "CTI" в чистом виде.

Что НЕ нравится:

-"Ступенчатая" графика: Увы, это портит картину.

-Статичность врагов: Им бы небольшие анимации дать, на самом деле. Дерганья, искажения... Было бы круто.

-Отсутствие особых трудностей в прохождении: Враги не чувствуются как враги. С ними легко разбираться даже на высоком уровне сложности, а хотелось бы ощущение некой дуэли, где шансы не на стороне игрока.

-Камеры: Противники заметны, да, но этот стиль экранных помех раздражает. А также аудиоприманка не особо полезна.

-Дополнительные планшеты: Как механика - они работают, но стилистически они выглядят ужасно(Плюс левый не закрывается). 

-Система загрузки разведданных: Слишком быстро набирается нужное количество. 

-Система стрельбы: Лучше бы было дать условно-свободный контроль над оружием плюс несколько меняющихся позиций в коридоре для врагов. Это бы играло на динамику.

-"Sentry Buster": Пока он работает как просто дополнительный враг, которого можно отогнать одной кнопкой. Было бы неплохо добавить ему еле заметное звуковое предупреждение и несколько стадий. Это также бы играло на динамику.

-"Г Л А З А": Не понимаю, зачем он нужен.

В итоге... Игра действительно хорошая.

Я очень надеюсь, что ты, автор, сможешь довести игру до 1.0. Потенциал у неё огромный. Не забрасывай её и продолжай работать. 


Hey, creator here, I translated your post! I love the feedback! I was actually planning on abandoning this project if it got less then 100 downloads, But! it has surpassed that so I will be trying to add all the changes you listed, I think each one is great! However I do have a few things to say 1, Who is "Г Л А З А" or "G L A Z A"? did you mean the eyes entity? if so he is there just to keep the player a bit more alert because the main mercs enemies felt a bit easy, however I will remove him (or make him some super rare thing) and buff the main mercs because of your feedback =D, second I dont really understand what you mean by "staggered graphics" do you mean it being very pixelated? If so I could probably make an option for a bit of blur (So it looks more natural without me having to remake the entire animations) 3, I also sadly dont know what you mean by "-Firing System: It would have been better to give conditionally free gun control plus some changing positions in the corridor for enemies. This would have played to the dynamics." If you mean that you cant move while shooting, thats because the game is actually 2D and enemies changing positions was actually already planned! So definitly will do something with it, probably not next update tho, because it is REALLY annoying to make the hitboxes for the seperate enemies. 4 I do agree the aditional tablets are out of place, but I dont exactly have a better idea on how to display those critical numbers, and the whole conveyer mechanic, if you could potentialy bring up an idea that would be amazing, but in the mean time ill try to make them look better. Also I agree, the static is really ugly, Ill try to put a better one. 5, the lure is supposed to be use while panicking, it wasnt a very good mechanic and kind of feels like bloat, however I might do some mechanic which involves the twitching idea you said with the lure, saddly adding camera animations would be VERY hard as I would need to remake the cameras, but I will try out hallway animations. Also the left tablet, it closes when you press it again, I should of made that more clear! 6, what did you mean by "

-Intelligence Loading System: It's too fast to get the right amount." or "

-Система загрузки разведданных: Слишком быстро набирается нужное количество."

did you mean the short story at the start isnt big enough? if so I could pretty easily add more to it, if thats not what you ment then please explain =D

Sorry I couldent translate this back, I dont know any russian XD.

But I greatly greatly appreciate the feedback a ton! serioursly, thank you!

 Heh, I didn't think my post would be useful, but it's nice that I helped in some way. Well...

0. It's worth trying to put the game on Gamejolt. Maybe you'll get lucky there? 

1. Yes, I meant the eyes...or, more specifically, "E Y E S"(«Г Л А З А»). You can not delete this entity, but give it a different role. For example, it may well disrupt the operation of tablets. Or simply disorient the player with some other actions.

2. It sounds good. I'll be waiting for the graphics settings.

3. Some fan games also use weapons. There is often given the freedom to use it (in terms of the camera) and several positions where the enemy can be located. Among the examples, I can recall the final segment of "Bubba's Diner", as well as the mechanics of the pistol from "SHERIFF" and "Original Location Pre-Alpha" (although there it was a way to find out about the presence of an enemy in the dark and it was impossible to move the weapon). 

I'm not talking about the movement of the player, namely the camera. But as I understand it, you're already working with it, which is cool.

4. Regarding tablets... The tablet with cameras can be replaced with a "Contracker" (the same tablet from TF2) and make interference like there. And here are those two... You can combine them into one and make them either a PC (as in FNaH 3), or something like a console. Or stylize it as a dispencer, heh. And yes... It's actually not difficult to graphically depict the progress bars — it's worth making something like a charge bars from TF2 itself.

5. The lure can be implemented in many ways without resorting to animation. For example, it can be made a "backup option" — to make it so that it does not immediately drive away the enemy, causes glitches on the cameras and at the same time turns off the camera on which it is used. It would also play into the player's loss of control. A modified "Sentry Buster" with high difficulty would be well combined with such mechanics — in difficult moments the player would be forced to take a risk. 

6. Mechanics with intelligence. It should either be removed or make downloading a more difficult task.

A short story at the beginning, on the contrary, is a plus and adds mystery to what is happening.

I hope that I wrote everything correctly and was able to convey my thoughts and ideas.


I already put the game onn gamejolt, it didnt really go anywhere. Second thanks for the extra feedback, its really helpful!


Okay, ive worked on it for a while, and I changed quite alot, first off, I decided to keep the eyes enmy the same for now, he acts like a "vibe check" if get that, second, I added settings! there are still alot of things I need to add like brightness, volume etc. Second, about the sentry buster, I made it more normal, instead of it either being there, and not there, it will now progressivly go to you, and you jam it when its close. The sentry overall is much harder now, due to being more common, and MUCH higher damage.

3, I decided Ill leave the weapons only usable in the hallways, as there is no point otherwise

4, I changed the side tablet to something that resembles the contracter, (kind of) and I also added a new button for the conveyor camera.

5, you said the game was too easy on its higher difficulties, as much as I would love to make it more difficult, I cant really do that due to how the game is made, however I will figure it out in the next update, in the mean time, I added challanges! As of writing this, there is 1 mode, of cause when the update is released, there will be 2-4 modes! For the meantime, all the enemies are drasticly faster. (By the way you can combine challanges)

6, I added alot of rare events (none happen in the night, it would be unfair)

7, I finished the enemy demoman! or should I say, demoknight!

8, I took my time to polish the game!, there is still alot I can do in regards to polish, but alot is done in this update!

9, I couldnt decide on how the new static should look, so i decided that in the settings you can choose which one you want!

There was also alot of bug fixing. If you want a specific challange mode you would like to see, (since your the first person to ever say the game is too easy) then you can tell me and ill probably add it lol.

Of course I couldnt say everything I added here, it would be too long.

All this sounds good, but I would prefer to wait for the release of the new version and then fully evaluate it. In the meantime, I'll look forward to it.


If you have anything else to say, im open to hear!