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A member registered Sep 17, 2024 · View creator page →

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By the way I just finished the discord!

I was thinking of making one (I will) but what stopped me for a while was just that ive never ran one before so sry if its scuffed XD

Yeah the enemies are becoming significantly more aggressive! =D

No sadly, if I knew the game would get popular I would have made it in a different way (allowing for that) BUT the 0.4 update changes how difficulty  works allowing the game to get WAY more difficult if you want I can explain how it works now through a technical lens =D

Sadly some things you adviced are completely impossible (I would need to remake the game) the laptop in the office, 1v2 is also impossible and real nightmare. I didnt think the game would get popular so I built it in this way, if I new how popular it would get, I DEFINITLY have made it differently.

Ill give the rest of your advice some more considering.

If you want you can still say more ideas, thanks BTW!

=D the demo was bugged, I think I fixed him already in my personal version

I will give soldier more voice lines, thx for the advice!

Blue engi: I already talked to another person about him, hes getting an overhaul, like the red one, but Im not sure I can fit it in this update

Red medic: I gave him the luger because its a german gun, and I dont see medic's other weapons really having a purpose.

Challenges: 1 of the last 2 are already done, sadly its a bit generic, but there is still a challenge I dont know what to do with, Also the eyes enemy's name is now "the nightmare" you will be able to select an alternative enemy to him, but choosing one will be forced.

Graphics, Sadly when ever you talk about it, the translateing program I use is DEFINETLY not translating it properly, so im kinda guessing what your saying. Do you mean the GUI needs a rework? or the base game. Because im kinda too far into the game's base look to redo it. also I personally like its theme alot. I however do plan on useing shaders to make it look better. Its theme is based on CTI!

Sorry to hear about the plastered arm, I had a plastered hand before, trust me I know its horrible. Get well soon! and thanks for the feedback =D

Ill think up of something for sniper, I think the next red merc added will be spy.

but reloading isn't a thing in the game. Also did you mean the tf2c revolver?

Being honest, I have no idea, my original idea was that his rifle can headshot, but its boring, hard to make, and overpowered. I might have to make something up like i did with engi and demo.

(2 edits)

I think I will go with placing buildings, 2 to be exact, the sentry, and the dispenser. (This is just an edited your idea btw) He can place sentries in the halls, which shoot slowly and cant die (for technical reasons) but they get removed if he dies. Dispensers give him a very small amount of health regen (Because that's enemy medic's thing) but boost his firerate briefly upon entering a hallway (to avoid his boost just dont enter the hallway immediately.) When I wrote the previous comments I forgot I actually did know a way to add buildings sry for the mistake!

I dont know if his rework will be a part of the next update since this one is already quite ambitious but ill try to squeeze in the red engi rework! Any other feedback is much appreciated!

To do with the intel task.. Ill make it 3 times slower before 6 am, otherwise it would just be extending the night. so if players have a period of time free, they can make the night a little shorter.

I really like the red engi idea, but I would have done that with the blu engi if it werent for some technical things to do with the game

I do plan on overhauling blu engi, infact I planned on overhauling him before he was added, I just need an idea. If you played CTI do you think if would be a good idea to make him have something to do with the conveyor belt? or possibly hallucinations like CTI?

The players actually do move at different speeds. I do agree some pwople are way to good, like engi, medic, heavy, and soldier. I like the do with the intel. currently enemies get slightly harder through the night, I think I'll make it very hard so medic's and heavy's abilities won't be so broken, it's easy to win max challenges with blu engi vs red medic. Which is annoying =D. Anyway thanks for the feedback! Feel free to say as much as you want either it be balancing, new additions, or even more! =]

(1 edit)

Thanks for the ideas! Ill get straight to the point.

I LOVE the idea of adding the mercenary from open fortress! What I could do is since I have a bosses, and an extra character menu planned, ill move all the blue enemies by 1, and put him at the start, the spy will be moved to the extras (I had it planned like that before I even started on the game.)

Ive never seen twilight nightwatch, but that might be a good place to get the 3rd boss from!

I like that soldier mechanic, ill do it!

As for your BLU pyro idea, I dont know how I would detect "Direct observation" of him....

I like the BLU demo idea, his ability will be his grenade launcher! however their will be a sound que when he enters a hallway with it.

BLU heavy, I was already making him very tough, however there are 2 things I could do, I could make him slow, but the lure does nothing. Or normal speed but the lure does effect him, I dont know which one is better =D?

BLU engi, I do plan on making him do a little bit more, but thats for the future.

BLU medic, I like your idea, ill do poison and regen, butt his alpha damage is low.

BLU sniper, My idea is actually not very hard to do! its borderline already in with the sentry challenge. But I also like the shooting cameras idea, so ill do both =D

BLU spy, your idea is just practicly what I was already going to do lol.

RED engi, Im not sure about the blockers, but I really like the proximity alarm idea! Ill do something with it, potentialy also something with metal!

RED spy, I like the idea alot! Ill think of a way I could implement it!

I want to quickly say thanks for the amazing feedback youve given, Thanks so much!

EDIT: I couldnt find any models for the mercenary, so I cant add him D=

Aye man, thanks for showing up again, you have no idea how helpful the feedback is! Ill skip straight to the point and discuss your points. 

1, im currently trying to make it save your settings. 

2, I will definitely making them more transparent, your not the first guy to say this lol.

3, The stopping of the conveyor will be moved to soldier, cause he doesnt have anything, Ill think up of something for demo, I put that ability on him, because i just am clueless on what to do with him, if you got any ideas that would be amazing.

4, challenges were added because you said the game was too easy, so im glad they solved that issue, there is going to be 6-7 challanges in total, and bosses are planned, Saxton hale, The M.I.N.G.E (From CTI), and Hoovydundy.

5, thanks glad I did it well! however im planning on making him flash on his last stage to indicate its time to jam him.

6, Nice!, there are alot of easter eggs, surpriesed you got the demo one lol, theres another one for soldier. the images being small at the start is not intentional, but its not a bug either, its mostly technical stuff which would take FAR too long to explain, case in point, its not a bug, and it shouldent be changed =D

7, I do agree, BLU needs to match themselves more, and red needs more then just different stats, and weapons. Which means you would be pleased to know that each new merc is very different from the rest, BLU engi, and sniper, and RED medic are coming in 0.3, BLU engi makes the sentry buster more aggressive, sniper has a mechanic simular to his one in CTI, and RED medic has health regeneration.

Thanks for the feedback!

Okay, ive worked on it for a while, and I changed quite alot, first off, I decided to keep the eyes enmy the same for now, he acts like a "vibe check" if get that, second, I added settings! there are still alot of things I need to add like brightness, volume etc. Second, about the sentry buster, I made it more normal, instead of it either being there, and not there, it will now progressivly go to you, and you jam it when its close. The sentry overall is much harder now, due to being more common, and MUCH higher damage.

3, I decided Ill leave the weapons only usable in the hallways, as there is no point otherwise

4, I changed the side tablet to something that resembles the contracter, (kind of) and I also added a new button for the conveyor camera.

5, you said the game was too easy on its higher difficulties, as much as I would love to make it more difficult, I cant really do that due to how the game is made, however I will figure it out in the next update, in the mean time, I added challanges! As of writing this, there is 1 mode, of cause when the update is released, there will be 2-4 modes! For the meantime, all the enemies are drasticly faster. (By the way you can combine challanges)

6, I added alot of rare events (none happen in the night, it would be unfair)

7, I finished the enemy demoman! or should I say, demoknight!

8, I took my time to polish the game!, there is still alot I can do in regards to polish, but alot is done in this update!

9, I couldnt decide on how the new static should look, so i decided that in the settings you can choose which one you want!

There was also alot of bug fixing. If you want a specific challange mode you would like to see, (since your the first person to ever say the game is too easy) then you can tell me and ill probably add it lol.

Of course I couldnt say everything I added here, it would be too long.

I already put the game onn gamejolt, it didnt really go anywhere. Second thanks for the extra feedback, its really helpful!

If you have anything else to say, im open to hear!

Hey, creator here, I translated your post! I love the feedback! I was actually planning on abandoning this project if it got less then 100 downloads, But! it has surpassed that so I will be trying to add all the changes you listed, I think each one is great! However I do have a few things to say 1, Who is "Г Л А З А" or "G L A Z A"? did you mean the eyes entity? if so he is there just to keep the player a bit more alert because the main mercs enemies felt a bit easy, however I will remove him (or make him some super rare thing) and buff the main mercs because of your feedback =D, second I dont really understand what you mean by "staggered graphics" do you mean it being very pixelated? If so I could probably make an option for a bit of blur (So it looks more natural without me having to remake the entire animations) 3, I also sadly dont know what you mean by "-Firing System: It would have been better to give conditionally free gun control plus some changing positions in the corridor for enemies. This would have played to the dynamics." If you mean that you cant move while shooting, thats because the game is actually 2D and enemies changing positions was actually already planned! So definitly will do something with it, probably not next update tho, because it is REALLY annoying to make the hitboxes for the seperate enemies. 4 I do agree the aditional tablets are out of place, but I dont exactly have a better idea on how to display those critical numbers, and the whole conveyer mechanic, if you could potentialy bring up an idea that would be amazing, but in the mean time ill try to make them look better. Also I agree, the static is really ugly, Ill try to put a better one. 5, the lure is supposed to be use while panicking, it wasnt a very good mechanic and kind of feels like bloat, however I might do some mechanic which involves the twitching idea you said with the lure, saddly adding camera animations would be VERY hard as I would need to remake the cameras, but I will try out hallway animations. Also the left tablet, it closes when you press it again, I should of made that more clear! 6, what did you mean by "

-Intelligence Loading System: It's too fast to get the right amount." or "

-Система загрузки разведданных: Слишком быстро набирается нужное количество."

did you mean the short story at the start isnt big enough? if so I could pretty easily add more to it, if thats not what you ment then please explain =D

Sorry I couldent translate this back, I dont know any russian XD.

But I greatly greatly appreciate the feedback a ton! serioursly, thank you!