So I whipped up a version that uses volatiles, but it does indeed have the problem of, if you're transitioning between cards on a freshly opened deck, it doesn't draw the text in until the end of the transition, so it kind of "pops in". I've uploaded a quick example to show what I mean
If there's something I'm missing here please let me know
Here's the new version of the contraption - I'm hestitant to replace the original since it's not a strict improvement, but if you're not using transitions or if you don't mind manually calling "view" on the contraption before the transition it does save on deck size
Edit: slightly updated version, did some experimenting and wasn't able to get manually calling "view" to work so I've exposed the redraw[] function itself. So if you want to use this version and need to refresh the contents before a transition (or whatever other fun things you're doing) you can call redraw[] on the widget to refresh it before your transition.
%%WGT0{"w":[{"name":"colourtext1","type":"contraption","size":[134,65],"pos":[145,125],"show":"transparent","def":"colourtext","widgets":{"canvas1":{"size":[134,65],"pattern":35},"field1":{"pos":[-186,154],"value":{"text":["Look at all this text, it comes in ","different fonts"," and it's red and transparent"],"font":["","menu",""],"arg":["","",""]}},"slider1":{"size":[116,25],"pos":[-52,149],"value":35}}}],"d":{"colourtext":{"name":"colourtext","size":[100,100],"resizable":1,"margin":[0,0,0,0],"description":"Like a text box, but with colour! With volatiles now. Exposes a redraw[] function if you need to refresh it manually for whatever reason.","version":1.2,"script":"on get_colour do\n slider1.value\nend\n\non set_colour x do\n slider1.value:x\n redraw[]\nend\n\non get_value do\n field1.value\nend\n\non set_value x do\n field1.value:x\n redraw[]\nend\n\non redraw do\n canvas1.clear[]\n canvas1.pattern:slider1.value\n size:canvas1.textsize[field1.value canvas1.size[0]-4]\n canvas1.text[field1.value 2,2,size]\nend\n\non view do\n redraw[]\nend\n\non get_redraw do\n redraw\nend","attributes":{"name":["value","colour"],"label":["Text","Colour (palette index)"],"type":["rich","number"]},"widgets":{"canvas1":{"type":"canvas","size":[100,100],"pos":[0,0],"locked":1,"volatile":1,"show":"transparent","border":0,"scale":1},"field1":{"type":"field","size":[100,20],"pos":[-186,189]},"slider1":{"type":"slider","size":[100,25],"pos":[-52,184],"interval":[0,47],"value":1,"style":"compact"}}}}}