Hi! I'm familiar with other Forged in the Dark games, yet I find some of the aspects of this game unclear. I know Forged in the Dark games are usually loose in terms of the setting and rules and most of these could be answered with "It's up to the GM", but I rather have some guidelines to start with.
This is also mixed with a bit of feedback.
- How many harm can the Apostles take? Do a level 4 harm also kill them? Do/Could they have a Harm clock?
- What special abilities the Apostles have/could have?
- Is it refreshed after consequence of any action. A PC inflicting harm on an enemy is a consequence of the attack - in that case why should it refresh the Stamina? Or I interpret this the wrong way, and Stamina should only refresh after a PC suffers a (negative) consequence.
- If yes, then the PCs will usually spend all Stamina each Turn, because they most likely get it back next turn. This means, almost all rolls will be Pushed by the PCs.
- If we look at Bloodborne or any other Soulslike game, Stamina would rather refresh after each turn; not each consequence.
- It's unclear why and how a Firearm used explicitly for Parrying, which is usually done with melee weapons.
- Parry does interrupt Enemy actions. How does this fit into the Turn order? In most FITD games the NPCs do not act on their own, rather as a consequence of a PC roll. Maybe just the term "Parry" isn't the best, or "Interrupt" could work better.
- Stun does stun the enemy for a few seconds. Is it 1 Turn, or how long? Also, taking a shot (or multiple shots as multiple bullets could be spent on this action) shouldn't "Stun" the enemy, rather Harm it.
- Base form and Alternate form sounds a bit confusing, like it's a completely different weapon in each configuration. I'd assume Base form could be interpreted as Light attack, and Alt form as Heavy attack.
- Stamina needs to be spent, but Blood and Insight needs to Marked. A bit confusing again, would be easier if all resources either needs to be Spent or Marked.
- Blood -> Mark: suffering Harms or using the Trick Weapon. - So using the Trick weapon (in any form) costs 1 Blood? Or is this only for "Imbrued with blood"?
- Blood: How does other FITD games Harm levels translate to Blood? Like suffering a Level 3 Harm in Blades in the Dark should be Mark 3 Blood? "Harm: deal 1-5 Harms to the hunter involved, based on the Position." - How many Harms do each Position represents?
Night's clock
- What is the negative effect of letting the Night's clock complete? The Apostle find the PCs first, but I see no consequence of letting the Night's clock complete.
Thanks in advance, I do like your game.