Hi! Thanks for sharing your game!
- Great boomer shooter style. I love this style and similar games.
- The gas mechanic is a good idea—it creates an immediate sense of anxiety, as if something is about to attack.
- I liked the focus on sound orientation, but I’m not sure if enemies need bells. Maybe just footsteps and growls would make them scarier.
- I know it’s classic, but this might be personal preference—vertical mouse control would allow for a more detailed exploration of the environment.
- Enemies die in a strange way, as if they’re kneeling. I’m unsure if this is intentional, but if so, an explanation could add intrigue.
- Unfortunately, the monsters all look the same. It would be great to have more dangerous or at least visually varied enemies, as encountering new opponents motivates players to keep going.
- The game is a bit too easy. Even when I ran out of ammo at the end, I could simply avoid enemies to finish the game. This lack of challenge makes health items feel unnecessary, as I didn’t use them at all. Consider making enemies faster and craftier, adding traps like floors that drop players into a crowd of monsters, introducing melee weapons, and reducing ammo while compensating with pistol damage. Don’t be afraid to challenge the player.
- The game is too short. I was disappointed when I reached the end screen so quickly. I enjoyed exploring the strange industrial environment, which had its own charm, but the game’s abrupt end cut this short.
Conclusion: The game could benefit from more development time and additional content, but it already has a solid foundation! I enjoyed wandering through the factory and would love to see more interesting places or even characters to interact with. With improved controls, more varied enemies, and a stronger challenge, the game would truly shine and be fantastic!
Thanks for the game!