Hello @slothware.
I'm sorry that you're encountering an issue. The error can be affected by several things, but I can't say for sure which is the cause
- Corrupted C# files, you could try if the plugin recompiles correctly after deleting the folder /.godot/mono inside your project repository
- Assetplacer version and Godot version: make sure you have a compatible combination. Let me know which ones you are using, make sure you use the latest Godot version
- .csproj or .sln file in your project directory. If you have added any custom specifications there, the AssetPlacer compilation can be affected.
I hope you can fix your issue. Let me know how it goes. Please also make sure to check this page: https://cookiebadger.github.io/assetplacer-docs/faq.html#i-added-the-plugin-but-i-cannot-enable-it