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Wow, so I haven't gotten overly far in the game, but I have to say that it seems very promising! The UI alone makes it stand out from the many, many other games of its type. That being said, it's definitely got a long way to go. There are a lot of typos, and there doesn't seem to be much in the way of diversity when it comes to...pleasure related characters. I know it's early on of course, but it's simply a suggestion to make areas a bit more diverse, perhaps in the range of 3-6 types per "region" (forest, jungle, etc). Perhaps adding something that indicates the level of the area you're entering would also help, because in my attempt to explore, I entered into an area with enemies that kept 1-hit KO'ing me, and that's an issue when you have to also run back through said area. On that note, a surrender option would be nice simply because of cases like that, or at least a method to speed up combat. Finally, from the three enemies I saw, there weren't any loss related scenes, so I'd have to suggest some of those be added as well! All in all...really strong start, and I'm excited to see where this goes! 


Thank you so much for your feedback, the game is still in super early stages of developement, so more content will come, i am planning on adding more enemies whenever i can, and i am very happy to see people playing my little project.

I am sure that not many people will like to hear what i have to say, but i think that pleasure as a reward rather than a loss is something that i'd like to keep, since it encourages player to get better in the game.

(I know it's a bit... uh, not normal in those types of games, but that's an intended decision. On a more real world example, i often find it boring when you can just lose to get what you want, since it doesn't really encourage you to keep on going... So i am sorry in advance if that might be not something you'd like.)  

Since it's a game inspired by SMT, companions are a must have, but since there's no monster catching elements, the characters will be what you collect.

For the difficulty curve, i will try to make sure that encounters whenever you are alone (without party members) will be a bit more fair in player's direction, probably reduce the appearing enemy amount to be 1v1 rather than an unfair wipe.

As usual, i highly appreciate your feedback.

I would also like to add that a new patch should be coming soon. Although it's more of a bug fix/story/character developement update patch rather than pleasing content, sorta say.

But based on this, i might delay it just a bit so i can get to write something more romantic.

Thanks again, i am also sorry if i respond a little bit late (and with grammatic errors), i get really anxious whenever i publish it, so hearing something positive really makes me happy!

You're very welcome! This is the first project I've left actual feedback on because it's so early in development, but more importantly, promising! I'm glad to know people seem interested; I certainly am! 

Knowing that it's a design choice actually makes me perfectly fine with it. It's a bit unfortunate due to the nature of those scenes, and the lack of extra scenes in general, but it's your game! Plus, the idea isn't awful, though it will make grinding a bit more necessary, so I'd only have to add on that enemy scaling will be all the more important! Your idea of adjusting difficulty some for being alone would likely fix that, especially for those like me who...wonder around immediately. 

I really look forward to following you as a developer, especially since you're reading the feedback you get! I think delaying a bit longer to add more content would be a good idea, that way new players will also get a longer experience! 

Don't worry about the delayed response, you're understandably busy, and I also know that anxious feeling all too well! I'm glad I could give you some positive feedback, and I look forward to future updates! Best of luck, and have a great week!