I’m still a bit confused on the purpose of cleaning the corruption. At first, I thought it was required to open a door, but it turns out I just needed water for that. Then I figured perhaps I should avoid it because it might be the thing that reduces the water effect. But nope, the water just fades over time on its own. Finally, I noticed the purple health bar (which is the same bar as the boss’s health) decreases whenever I clean a corruption. So, I’m guessing it’s meant to make the boss fight easier?
If that’s the case, then perhaps it’s an intentional hidden mechanic. I get that you might not want to spell it out in the tutorial, but maybe an indirect hint would help players connect the dots? For me, it’s just a shame that such a cool mechanic, which ties perfectly into the jam theme, might go unnoticed. Even after completing the game twice, I’m still not 100% sure if that’s really the intended purpose.