=D the demo was bugged, I think I fixed him already in my personal version
I will give soldier more voice lines, thx for the advice!
Blue engi: I already talked to another person about him, hes getting an overhaul, like the red one, but Im not sure I can fit it in this update
Red medic: I gave him the luger because its a german gun, and I dont see medic's other weapons really having a purpose.
Challenges: 1 of the last 2 are already done, sadly its a bit generic, but there is still a challenge I dont know what to do with, Also the eyes enemy's name is now "the nightmare" you will be able to select an alternative enemy to him, but choosing one will be forced.
Graphics, Sadly when ever you talk about it, the translateing program I use is DEFINETLY not translating it properly, so im kinda guessing what your saying. Do you mean the GUI needs a rework? or the base game. Because im kinda too far into the game's base look to redo it. also I personally like its theme alot. I however do plan on useing shaders to make it look better. Its theme is based on CTI!
Sorry to hear about the plastered arm, I had a plastered hand before, trust me I know its horrible. Get well soon! and thanks for the feedback =D