Great job leaning into the aesthetic. I really dug the bandit designs and how they were just distinct enough to clearly be their own enemies. It also seemed like, from wave to wave, there was a progression to the song where it got more intense the further you went? May have been my imagination, but it is one of those things that always gets me hyped up.
I wanted to echo the camera movement feedback. I too felt I had to move too close to the border to actually move it, which can also lead to the tricky instance of an enemy surprising you without any time to react. My particular note is with the bullets, outside of the rat bullet (which I thoroughly enjoyed) I couldn't tell much of a difference between the others. At some point I stopped thinking about my bullet order and just sprayed when I could, seemed more effective.
Really, I just want every bullet to be a rat bullet. Give me the rat gun.
Great work!