Game Title/URL: Snowflake in the Wind/ Playable here
You are a snowflake floating on the wind, looking for a snowman to land on.
Click (or tap on mobile) anywhere on the screen to nudge the snowflake as it floats up and down. Avoid the pine trees. Guide it towards a waving Snowman as you float past the snow cloud flurries.
NOTE: It takes a while to load so be patient.
I’d like feedback on:
* Improving the game art.
* Improving the game play.
* Anything else you can think of.
* If you think it sucks, I'd appreciate it if you tell me and why (I have a thick skin, so don't worry about hurting my feelings :D)
I need help on:
* An artist who can help improve the game assets.
* Sound effects/Background music?
* Game design - help me improve the game play.