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A member registered Jan 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Awesome concept! It's tricky planning ahead because I wasn't sure which tiles could be moved or not at first, but I soon got the hang of it.

Awesome concept! It's tricky planning ahead because I wasn't sure which tiles could be moved or not at first, but I soon got the hang of it.

Thank you for trying out the game! In reality the bounces of the the ball are not as up to chance as you may think. When designing the levels, I tried to make a consistent route to the goal for every level. The timing of when to transform is very important and greatly affects the trajectory of the ball. So once you figure out the proper timing for each shift, you can more easily progress. I could have done a better job showing this to the player.

Do you remember which level it was? I can take a look and see if I can make the path more obvious by moving some things around.

You aren't the first one to get lost because it was too dark. I never noticed this when I was testing because I already know where everything is! I appreciate your feedback. I will add some more lights and juice up the flashlight a bit. Looking forward to your future games!

Wow, thanks for playing and sharing the vid. I had a fun time watching you play. I was a bit upset you didn’t find the door right below the flashlight 😭 Maybe I should have added some more light there 🤔

What a trip! The little cutscene at the end was really good. I can't wait to see your next installment.

I was not able to get past the first level. It seems like the jump does not go far enough :(

(1 edit)

I made it pretty far I think. Sadly I got stuck when I tried to tinker with something I should not have.

I could not move or get out of this dialog box:

The game is super fun though! It plays into the theme so well too! I was felt very safe for a while until everything went wrong.

Very fun experience! I had fun and got scared every time I had to flip on the light.

I ran into a small problem. I cannot progress past this dialog window in the train station.

Dude, the tension build up was so good! The end got me so bad. Can't wait to see what you come up  with next.

A tad difficult to control. Maybe the ship should be able to translate left and right to dodge enemies while shooting?

This game is super fun! I made it to the end on a very small margin. Very nice attention to details in the classroom. I was engaged the whole way through.

Very cool! I liked the little notes system. Solid starting point.

Quite overwhelming! I made the mistake of trying to be a chef and teleporter at the same time.

Really fun! I was sad it ended, I wanted to keep playing.

Very fun! I couldn't figure out the controls at first, but it started to click.

Pretty fun gameplay. The bots creamed me by round 3 though.  A better gun that could shoot more bullets would be nice.

Nothing to worry about being slow. It is all a part of the learning process. Your artwork is very nice! Surely you will get faster the more practice and effort you put in. Looking forward to seeing how your story and characters tie together.

Cool Demo! I have some feedback for you after some play testing.

  • The resolution was a bit too small on my 1080p monitor, could be perfect for a mobile screen though
  • The temperature text in the bottom left matched the color of the ground so I almost did not see it there
  • Same with the red circle closing around the player, I didn't notice it till later on
  • Other than that the artwork and game mechanics were awesome! It is clear where you focused your efforts for this project. I could never get a good snow tile for my project no matter how many times I tried haha.

Looking forward to see your progress after this week!

Wow. it is nice to see how organized you are with this project. I love the little character you made, very unique. Hope to see some challenging levels from you soon.

The controls seem very smooth! I would suggest adding some different obstacles, maybe some boulders here or there. The art style is really neat though!

Don't worry about the menus and dialogue right now, that just seems tedious. If you would have fun adding in music do that! Sound effects when the player hits a tree could be nice.

Thanks for checking out my progress. Yes I did draw everything myself, I spend some time before the jam learning pixel art from scratch! I will come up with a way to change the breath mechanic and allow the character to respawn when their health reaches 0.

Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it. I will need to program the breath to spawn in front of the character and fix the issue flipping upside down. Only thing I cannot fathom is how to allow the player to shoot while running away. Maybe the character sprite should turn in the direction of the mouse?

Hey there. I'm not sure if there is anything you can do on your end about this, but I was not able to run this game on any browser besides Google Chrome.

That aside it was quite enjoyable! I would appreciate the ability to control the character in a more seamless manner, such as WASD for movement and the mouse to aim.

The game was not laggy for me once I got it to run on Chrome, so no worries there.

I had some difficulties understanding the controls. Some sort of indication to the player on how to control the snowflake would be very beneficial.

The game art actually looks very good! Only strange thing was that some of the clouds seemed like part of the ground, I guess it is meant to be a mountain high up in the sky which would make more sense.

As far as music goes if you have the time and inspiration you could always find some melody making tutorials on YouTube and put your own spin on it. Otherwise find some royalty free sound and use that.

Game Title/URL:

RuffTale: https://mindlessruff.itch.io/rufftale

Pitch/Information: Adventures of a silly puppy in an icy world. I have a simple prototype of my game with a main character and some enemies.

I'd like feedback on: What should I focus on for the end of the jam?

  • Refining the enemy AI, breath mechanics
  • Adding more levels, perhaps through procedural generation
  • How can I make the core gameplay more fun?

I know I should make it more clear how to interact with the NPC, there is no indication you have to press 'E' to advance the dialog box.

Week 1 Update

I had difficulties working on my game during the week due to work, however there have been some updates to the core gameplay mechanics I would like to get feedback on.

First of all, completing a dialog with our friendly Ice Puppy NPC here will allow the character to unlock his ice breath ability.

He can then use this to melt some of the cat enemies which will chase him as he progresses forward.

I am wondering what I should do in the remaining time to offer a better gameplay experience. I don't want to add too much to my plate and not complete my goal. Some ideas I have involve generating some procedural levels, improve the enemy AI,  or change the the ice breath to a projectile. Or would it be better to focus on the user experience such as proper player/enemy healthbars, a 'power bar' for the player so they can't spam the breath, or any other suggestions. Any comments or feedback will be greatly appreciated.

Wow you have the entire project planned out start to finish! I barely managed to plan my first two days haha. I will have to learn to plan ahead better. Looking forward to seeing your progress.

Very cool title. I like the font you used for it. Hoping to see some teasers in the near future.

Day 1

Had some fun today doing my base artwork and moving my main character around.  I was able to create some placeholders for two characters as well as a tile.

I ran into a bug when playing around that resulted in some hilarious antics.

Tomorrow I will be looking to adding some additional sprites to move smoothly animate the motion. I've never animated anything thus far, so I am quite nervous. When I get stuck moving forward on the animation I plan to try and create the main music loop.

The theme of my game is evolving into a top down 2D adventure. I will be also working on creating a dialog sequence for interacting with the Ice Puppy NPC you can see above. Any feedback on the character and tile sprites would be greatly appreciated.

I'm pleased to hear that you are making interactive fiction, I have very fond memories of exploring these types of games. Go for puzzle for sure! It will add to the experience. Maybe the creature can become a more imminent threat the longer the player takes to complete a puzzle.

(2 edits)

Greetings fellow jammers! I'm MindlessRuff and I am quite excited to be joining this game jam with everyone. I decided to record a short video for my first log, I talk a little bit about who I am, what I am planning for my game, and so on.

Let me what you think! I will be streaming my progress starting tomorrow at 10:00AM PST if any one would like to drop by and ask me programming related questions or just hang out!

-Day 1 Post added

I agree with Kane, the mechanics may seem simple at first, but you may run into difficulties and get stuck trying to add all of the features. I would add some consideration to making the environment, I didn't see an entry for that in your list. Otherwise it seems simple enough to work!

That 3D model is quite fascinating. I like how it feels alive. I applaud you for going 3D, seems like a tougher implementation compared to 2D.

Your tile work is so interesting and detailed. I aspire to create pixel art like that. Looking forward to see what you decide on for a game mechanic.

Wow sounds interesting! What I would recommend would be to start small, create a basic algorithm with psuedocode until it makes sense in your head then translate into code to verify it works as you expect. I'm looking forward to your progress.

1. Hi there! What's your name? Want to introduce yourself?

Hello everyone, my name is Brandon. It is a pleasure to be joining this community. I am a recent college graduate from the field of Computer Engineering looking to exercise my creative muscles a bit!

2. Did you participate in the last jam we held? If so, what do you plan on doing better this time? If not, what's your reason for joining?

This is my first ever game jam. I decided to join this one to give myself so extra motivation in seeing something through. I have always had an inclination towards creative endeavors, an I hope to find an outlet to express myself.

3. What games are your favorites? Did any of them inspire you, or made you want to make your own?

I cannot really decide on a favorite game, I have enjoyed such a vast array of titles spanning almost every genre. I was recently inspired by THE DEVIL HAUNTS ME, I too want to create something on my own which I can be proud of.

4. Do you have experience with game development? What did you do/with what engine?

I have fiddled around with GameMaker in my younger days but never dived in. Recently, I have been experimenting with Godot and Unity. I have only brushed the surface with some tutorials so far.

5. Tell us about something you're passionate about!

I am passionate about my two dogs! Every day I go home and they are there waiting for me as happy as can be. I want to theme my game around them.

6. What are your goals for this game jam?

I want to submit a finished game, even if it is rudimentary in nature I want to see it through to the end. I also want to have some fun seeing what everyone else is making along the way!