That was some delicious fucking writing, and it is going to be living in my head for a good while. And you wrote so much!! Not only three different worlds, but the choices give their own lines and it all leads to three entire backstories with three whole endings. WOW we were fed good. Definitely a game worth replaying and unlocking all the options!
The ticking while in that inbetween space was SO good and built this very specific mood that I adore. Also, for your first time using Ren'py, you did such a good job!! The choices, looping back, unlocking the different endings. Really, truly great work!
You captured Aion's dissatisfaction so well and that belief that if just _one_ thing was different then everything would be perfect. I hurt when Aion hurt. I yearned when they yearned, and I wanted so desperately for things to get better. So of course the endings hit me like a brick to the face LMAO theyre so good
I know Marin has Val but _please_ if I could date him I know life would be perfect. i think...maybe....unless....