Custom palettes are absolutely in the plan, but not implemented yet. You can however use rgb values for most colours, e.g. #000 - #fff.
There are a tiny amount of fixed separators in adventuron and eventually you'll be able to use specific codes to style them to any colour, but there is a more powerful way of providing separators (beta, so may be bugs)....
Step 1 - Create an 8x8 tile in mspaint,, gimp, or - save the tile as a PNG. Make sure the background colour of the tile is the same as the background colour (paper) colour of your game, or better yet, is transparent.
Step 2 - Select MENU / Import in the Adventuron editor window, to import the PNG as a graphic asset. After importing, note the ID of the imported PNG in the assets{ graphic {} } section,
Step 3 - Create a separators section in the assets{} section and reference the number of horizontal pixels in your tile, and reference the graphic id of your png tile.....
separators {
my_sep : separator tile = "your_imported_png_graphic_id_here" horz_pixels = "8" ;
Step 4 - Now reference your separator in the layout section. SB = status bar, O = object list, X = exits, SEP "my_sep" = id of separator.
my_theme : theme {
extends = two
theme_settings {
layout = SB O X SEP "my_sep"
To see what this looks like in action (this is using a custom font too)....
Here is an 8x8 tile I just made now (I upscaled this to 768px for posting here, so don't import this one):
Now, following the guide shown above (and also following the guide elsewhere in the forums for setting a new font), the screen might look like this:
themes {
my_theme : theme {
extends = two
theme_settings {
font = userfont_dead_forest
layout = SB O X SEP "my_sep"
screen {
status_bar_padding_bottom = 2
colors {
status_bar_paper = #55e
status_bar_pen = #ee0