Very cool game with a fun premise! The graphics were nice, and I really liked the people sprites (including the player). I thought it was very clever how the game information was presented as billboards in the world.
There are a couple critiques I have, however. There doesn’t seem to be enough camp fires! This could definitely be a “me” problem, but, I either had to find my way back to the original starting camp fire, or, maybe if I was really lucky, I would stumble across another camp fire. They just felt very hard to come by, even when I knew I needed one.
Additionally, I think the wolves should be scared away by a lit camp fire, otherwise, there’s not much I, as the player, can do when a wolf spots me but run… and it takes a while to shake off a wolf, all the while I’m getting colder.
Over all, excellent game! If you’re interested, I played your game on a recent stream!