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Thank you. The fight scene was inspired by pokemon.

There was more behind changing the player character but time limit made it only cosmetic change. We planned that every character could have had its own strenght and weaknesses. Luckiness for how good results from the dice, speed for skiing speed, strength for fighting and maybe health also for the fight.

The game really looked promising until the fight started. Just spamming space is not a good gameloop. 

It would have been good challenge to get the bugs killed before they transform. The transformed form could have had like attack mode. Less enemies in this situation would have been better.

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The story part was nicely done. I wasnt sure if there was only tutorial level at the moment and it felt also not finished.

I felt it little difficult to get my hits to hit for the enemy. It felt that there was just certain spot you and the enemy needed to be that the enemy would take hit. Maybe bigger hitbox or somehting to make it feel more intuitive.

For first jam game it had potential but maybe a little too big to start.

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We are sorry we didnt notice to read that it doesnt allow AI. I think then the upload question about using AI is separate thing than this JAMs rules. One of the reasons we tought it was ok. 

How do you view if you use AI as a model and not use straight what it produces? Because some of our art has been done that way that the AI produced image and then that was used as an inspiration.

There is very short immunity time. It should have been longer. Character always moves some slow default speed if you dont roll dice. Idea was that the dice gives you short period of boost and then the character gets tired and goes back to the default speed and then you can boost again.

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I think just lazy to read. And then i wasnt sure how to add the new numbers. I was trying to put the new number outside the dice. And just clicking. Then i understood that it goes inside the dice but because i read lazy i did not understand that i need to add the new number to the place of number 1.

If im thinking how to clarify the first number change maybe there could be somekind of tutorial arrow to point that you need to replace it with 1.

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I really really wanted to enjoy the game but somehting about getting past the pool. I didnt get over it. No matter how i tried to jump but no. Best efforts where where i got stuck on the edge and then i needed to close the game and try again. 

However i liked the graphics. Story felt it might be interesting. Sad there were no sounds.

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Ya, its always hard to do the balancing for the difficulty. In our playtest it felt too easy to win all times so we tried to balance it in a way that you cannot always win in this three day race.

Ya we didnt think about that there might be people only using touchpad. I tested to play that way too after your comment. I think it really depends of what kind of touchpad you have in your laptop. The one i have has physical keys on top. So it was manageable to play that way. But I think if it has only click on the touchpad itself that might make it hard.

I can imagine the surprise. Too bad as a developper we cannot enjoy that first surprise ourself.

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It was very fun to launch an attack. 

I was first very confused how to get past the doors. I think door unlocking should be managed somehow different. Not sure if it is really needed that you unlock that way. Either way it was good mechanigs that you can upgrade the dice. 

Like you have written graphigs needs update. Otherwise everyhting had purpose and worked to show what it was.

I also had the mouse clicking bug. Needed to figure out on to fly how to attack when you cannot click here or there.

I feel like the attacking could have multiple hits when it bounces. Now i think it had only one attack from the first hit. 

Nice game!

At the moment it feels that the game is unplayable. I also got stuck in my turn. Could not press anyhting.
Seems like there is interesting idea for the game but time got in the way of making it realise. Hopefully next time you get to finish your jam game.

Nice small game. 

I got stuck in land when I launched myself up with the summer E power. I felt that the game needed to have somehting else  to. Maybe puzzle solving. Not sure if there was because i stopped after i got stuck.

Art style was charming.

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I liked the game.  

I would have liked that the tutorial would have been the first level because i didnt check first that there was separate tutorial. I was first thinking this is too hard but after first round i understoond about what to do and i passed multiple levels.

I was a little annoyed about the controls scheme. I was multiple times pressing wrong button when i tried to change the option what to do.

The feel and look and theme was spot on. Very polished game.

Had difficulties in couple of levels. i didnt realise long time that you can press down to go faster down. Otherwise an ok game.

Fun little game. Now I just need an object where to go. This could be part of a larger game.

There is potential but potential is ruined because of the aliens AI. I only got to the next fireplace and then lots of aliens were blocking my way. I had like 5 aliens stuck on top of my head.

Game was looking nice and I liked the small part of the story I got to witness in the beginning.

the sound show was good. and the atmosphere is like horror. but the first time I saw this snowman. I laughed. but his quick movements sometimes caused headaches. overall a good game. I would have liked a longer story and something more than the snowman being careful.

The atmosphere in the dungeon is really chilling. a few times I died of curiosity.  3d dungeon looks fantastic. and the glint of the flashlight shines in the eyes. maybe you could increase the tension by not having the flashlight on all the time. and I didn't know, but could the black unknown beast be chased away with a lamp? contols was of high quality.

i've always wanted to make a game with ps2 graphics and this seemed like it. at first I thought I wouldn't take any hits from shooting robots. but after standing there I died after some time. maybe some visual would have highlighted the hit. overall the playable character is very strong in carrying all the scientists at once :)

I like the art style. the animations are great. some ai problems where ai walked backwards into a ravine to die. it would have been nice to be able to push a frozen enemy. in some places the jump was too low. but otherwise overall a good little platformer.

crystal beautiful game. relaxing but still you have to concentrate all the time. sometimes some crystals were visible at the very edge of the screen, is that intentional? and maybe they should be slightly bigger. but overall i really liked it.

Unfortunately, the windows version does not work and neither does the web version. but i read all the info you wrote. and they sounded fascinating. I hope that one day I will be able to test the version that you described what the whole vision was like.

A spectacular looking 3d world. I would have liked a stop mechanism to float back. but if any criticism should be given. then the beeping sound caught my ears. little bugs along the way. but luckily you could get around them :)

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Angry penguins were great. they made me smile when I drove over them.

I like the background image of the menu. and 2d and 3d from the mixt. I would have liked to see when I could hit. I hit the space bar.


We had idea that rope would come down and pick them up. But no time.

Ya if continued those would be nice additions. For UI is real, I dont know how we would have added those even if we would have time.

Map making was left like for final hour so we didnt have time to think too much.

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I have my trusty brother to do pixel art. He might not be the best for everything but atleast he is listening my opinions and adjusting the art.

The snow piles on the head were supposed to be the indications but maybe we had too few of them (Idea for the UI is real). Camp fires should have been stronger and reach farther where it affects. Now you might have needed to use it two times to get rid off all the snow.  You have great ideas.

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Those items were just decorations and hindrance for rescuing people. At the moment they dont do anyhting. Our two brother team got idea after reading comments and so on that maybe the person could have worn them. We had idea for the people that a rope could have landed to pick them up but time was against to realise that idea.

The diagonal run was just somehting i knew and was thinking to fix it but in the end because of hurry it stayed in. Ya the warming up should be indicated better and have bigger area where it warms you. Now you need to be very close to the fire.

There is behind calculations that even if you cannot fire the camp it slows down the cooling. :) but there is not really use for that. Also cold gets you faster if its snowing and moving is better than staying standstill.

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It was fun to watch your play. 

The difficulty decissions were made just in the last minutes. No time to test run. But most propably even with the test runs ourselves we would have not noticed its too difficult. 

There were ideas for wolves that you could hit them but time run out to do that.

We had some sprites made like lamp post but again time was against us to put them to the level.

From the stream you were wondering what the people are saying. They are saying "Kiitos" or "Kiitti" in finnish language and they mean about like "thank you".

Horror games are not my thing but  I liked how the game was made. Good job

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I liked how the game looked except the fact that everyhting was so dark. Why no lights in rooms. I was first thinking ok not so bad cleaning game but then i went to the second floor and i was like nope. Not for me. Maybe the game should start for smaller amounts of ice and then when you progress you could get more efficient melting options and add those ices then to be in full rooms. Now it just makes the player to drop out right away.

For beginner game it was a nice small game. At first i didnt know what to do untill i understood i need to follow the instuctions. I wanted to have more challenge. Maybe like others said that it need recipe list and then you would have some time to make that recipe. Might be one way to make this game better.

Almost won. The level 10 was suprisingly hard. After i understood how to build, I used only the snowmans to win levels.

Game for fishing, stayed for story. 

Story felt like it stopped midway. I want to know what happens next.